Love is a Weapon


  • Posts: 1654
Unconventional Weapon of choice : Love

Method: Procedural generation

Old version: [ after 5 hours ]

*Object in Hole
Door and Switch
Elevator Up/Down
* Some other obstacles
* Enemies
* Radar + Making love
* Procedural Sprite generator
* Level generator (Attempt) [manual levels second choice]

Since this Ludum Dare was about Procedural Generation I focused on that on day 2. Day 1 was lost on platformer issues that weren't that suited for generators (at least not in the given time)

On Arcade:

Highlights of this Ludum Dare for M.E.
  • Procedural Generation where nothing is random but calculated using generators
  • ListBox behavior

Best regards from

« Last Edit: April 19, 2015, 02:24:56 pm by mdotedot »
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 242
Found a bug. 
I can go through walls, floating and there seems to have an invisible wall too.


  • Posts: 1654
Thank you for your feedback.

You should not be able to fall/jump of a platform but you should be able to push objects in and thus allowing a path. The invisible wall is indicating that you need to fill the hole (or avoid falling of a platform)
Maybe I should rethink that approach....

There are going to be 'enemies' coming from the holes so you need to cover it up so that they cannot pass anymore.

Regards from

« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 12:47:32 pm by mdotedot »
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 242
Oh no, the filling the hole thing, I can understand the concept.
The invisible wall I meant was actually to the left of the character on the image I posted above.
I think the collision might be messed up?


  • *
  • Posts: 2545
I also encountered that situation.


  • Posts: 1654
Thanks Guys,

I'm totally going to throw that way!

Redesigning yet again!

Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 310
just had a lil go, appreciate what you were tying to do with proc. levels, good for such a short time, hope your redesign goes well :)


  • Posts: 1654
Hey MyChair,

Thanks for the feedback.
Current 5 hour thing was a bad choice and I was busy fixing bugs rather than moving forward yesterday.

Let us see what is happening today .. but time is running out fast.

Note to self: Next Time try to learn something new with even simpler and simpler things !!!!

Still having fun, learning a lot from mistakes is still learning :)

Best regards from
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 1654
Submitted to the Ludum Dare Compo:

Will write up a post-mortem later.

Best regards from
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 2691
Did you disable voting or something on your page? I don't see any rating categories.
Do NOT PM me your questions, because I likely will not respond. If I have replied to your question on the forum, keep using that topic. Thanks!


  • Posts: 1654
Hello Photon,

Yes I did. I'm in it for the time-constraint and doing something new every time I participate.

Best regards from
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.