Taggit! Pixels, Spray Paint & Irritated Police Officers


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  • Posts: 19

An idea for a game kind of like Jet Set Radio has been floating around in my head for over 2 years and I finally started goofing off to see if I could make it happen in Stencyl.  If it wasn't for bad seasonal allergies causing a weekend on my laptop, this wouldn't have happened.

If you want to run around tagging a school, here it is at Ludum Dare:

Hopefully I can clean it up, add a decent title screen, end screen and a few other tweaks and submit it to the Stencyl Jam as well.

« Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 10:17:27 pm by jfraser »


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You should make the game bigger because it's hard for me to see with my eyes (the bad ones)