Help: Build 8339 just broke my game


  • Posts: 649
So everything was working fine, then I downloaded the newest build and my game is now failing to compile.

I tried saving it as an APK and it went all the way through the process with no error message but just returned back to stencil and in the log just said Build Failed.  So I tried Cleaning Project, and now it brings up a Dialog Box saying oops this shouldn't have happened.

Here are my logs.  Please help. 


  • Posts: 649
I have restored a backup to the version where my game finishes compiling but fails to build and generated the logs.

With this version, it compiles fine for Flash.  Just not Android.



  • *
  • Posts: 6108
The error from your first post is fixed in build 8430.

About the second error I don't know:
Code: [Select]
2015-04-25 17:28:16,301 INFO  [Thread-35] stencyl.sw.util.StreamGobbler: [openfl.bat]      [aapt] C:\Users\Rich\AppData\Roaming\Stencyl\stencylworks\games-generated\April25th_thankyou\Export\android\bin\deps\google\bin\AndroidManifest.xml:6: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'value' with value '@string/app_id').
2015-04-25 17:28:16,301 INFO  [Thread-35] stencyl.sw.util.StreamGobbler: [openfl.bat]      [aapt] C:\Users\Rich\AppData\Roaming\Stencyl\stencylworks\games-generated\April25th_thankyou\Export\android\bin\deps\google\bin\AndroidManifest.xml:7: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'value' with value '@string/app_id').