3RR0R (Pronounced Error)


  • Posts: 29
Well, I got Stencyl about a month ago and this is the first game I've ever created with it. I have the main engine working, just need to add levels and enemies.

Story: You are a 6-million dollar robot created by the army, the leading engineer a man named Doctor Mallister. Mallister has dreamed about creating you for years, and only now has he finally gotten the armies' consent to create such an ambitious machine. Now you are 3RR0R, and you must complete the following challenges to deemed fit to protect America.

Here's the latest demo:


  • Posts: 2691
Why not just post it on the Arcade to play? It'd be easier for us to play that way.
Do NOT PM me your questions, because I likely will not respond. If I have replied to your question on the forum, keep using that topic. Thanks!


  • Posts: 29
I didn't know if i could only post a demo. If I can then that's great! I'll put a link in once I get it up.


  • Posts: 29
Okay, here's demo 0.3! Let me know what you think  :D


  • Posts: 29
Currently adding the first enemy to the game, an evil counterpart robot! He has a pretty wicked saw, so you better watch out. Next version should be up soon  8)


  • Posts: 68
So it looks like you've got a start on a platforming game, and it's nice to see you're making progress by adding an enemy.
Something you may want to fix at some point is double-jumping; right now, the player can jump at any time, infinitely high.
Are you working from scratch, or off of a tutorial/kit?


  • Posts: 29
Actually, the player can jump a total of 3 times. The reason is that this originally was going to be an endless runner, and so I decided to give the player several jumps. But now that I've decided to make it a platformer I should fix that. Thanks for bringing that to my attention! Also, this is from a kit but I've made a few modifications for my specific needs.


  • Posts: 29
The next version is out! I finally got around to adding that enemy (took me long enough.) You can kill him and he can kill you. Do you guys think that 3RR0R himself should have a health bar, or 1 hit is enough to send him back to the beginning? I'm leaning towards health bar but tell me what you think!

Here's the link: http://www.stencyl.com/game/play/30635


  • Posts: 29
Here's a quick screenshot. Apparently lasers are not, in fact, only for 3RR0R's use.


  • Posts: 29
I've been doing some bug fixes, and decided that 3RR0R will have 3 lives. I am pleased with progress and hopefully this game will be complete in about a month  8)


  • Posts: 29
New version is out!


Added enemy lasers, a life system, and you can see which weapon you have selected.
Cleared out some bugs, and probably added some as well.

Let me know what you think!