StencylForge Suggestions


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  • Posts: 2181
Hello Stencylers , here are my suggestions for the forge :

1. Filter  - A filter in the search space to organize what you looking for .  Choices : All rights reserved , Creative Common Attributes , Public Domain . The reason for this is that in game jams when you in a rush for a quick resource or in middle of creating a game , this feature would save a LOT of time searching through thousands of  resources !

2. Credit Slot  - When downloading a creative common attributes resources from the forge , the author name is automatically written in a section called the Credit Slot . The Credit Slot is located right under the Description slot in the games settings . The Credit slot could also be edited by users to change the names if he ended up not using a resources from that author .
The credit slot is also automatically published  under the column of the description in the arcade . The reason for this is because its annoying to retrace all the credits that of the authors resources a user used  .

3.  Game Lock - Some users don't even bother to look if a game is under all right reserved they just use its resources , so this feature lets the author choose to lock the game that you can only play it not download it .

4. User Publisher ID - Every Stencylers gets a user publisher ID , the reason for this is because a lot of user republish someone else's work . But with the publisher ID Stencyl checks for its user Publishers ID and if they're not the same you can't republish it . Only its original author could republish it .

5.Online site - Stencyl should covert StencylForge to a online site ! It could help the mods control what users upload. Also to download a resources you have to use your Stencyl Forums account . This suggestion could really help Stencyl in a lot of ways ! Also if Stencyl creates StencylFoge to be part of their site it could also be easier to add the suggestions listed above.  It will also be easier to update it if it was a online site.

6.Version Numbers - This was suggested by deatherr1 , I think this suggestion is really useful so I added it in ( quote from original post ):

I've been away from Stencyl for a while and updated to the newest version 3.3.1 and download kits and games of Stencylforge. Right now there is no way to know if it will work and what version of Stencyl it was made in apart from the submission date. If a new user were to use Stencylforge and download kits and 90% have errors they will think Stencyl is a bad program. Stencyl kits and games uploaded to the forge should have the version number they were made in attached. Also Stencyl kits and games made with older version that are likely to not work with the new Stencyl version should be put in a legacy games section and legacy kits section with a tab to choose to look for games/kits by version of Stencyl.

Having the main forge page crowded with games/kits for previous versions makes Stencyl look bad and the user frustrated. Imagine if you had the newest smartphone and you download 10 games and 9 gives you errors and only 1 works properly.

Thank you for reading my suggestion

Well these are my idea's , I'm probably going to add more soon . I choose these one's because these are very common problems that lots of user's face while creating games !

« Last Edit: November 05, 2015, 03:56:18 pm by Donni11 »


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  • Posts: 2181
I really think credit slot would be very useful ....


  • Posts: 19
these are great Ideas, I hope they take these into mind when and if they plan to work on the forge! :3
Cat? No, you need more than one. "cat" needs to be "cats."
I have resources on StencylForge! Just search up "FadedSketch".
FadedSketch on DeviantART


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  • Posts: 2181


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  • Posts: 2738
A search filter sounds like a good idea. As for a game lock--if a developer only wants someone to be able to play the game, there's the arcade.


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  • Posts: 2181
Yea I would really like a filter it would be very useful for game jams , I also think the credit slot would be very useful .


  • Posts: 376
A rule like the game lock option would be useful if demos can only be downloaded.


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  • Posts: 2181
2 new suggestions added ! I really feel strongly about number 5 .