Making an actor not scroll in a scroller?


  • Posts: 29
I'm trying to implement a health bar so to speak, and I don't want it to move with the scene; I want it to be stationary. How do I keep it in the same spot?


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  • Posts: 2545
Anchor it to the screen using the block in Stencyl.


  • Posts: 29
I've added that block, but now my health bar isn't there! This is all I'm using:

When created:
    Anchor (self) to screen

A very simple block, I don't understand why this isn't working?


  • *
  • Posts: 2545
Where do you create it in the scene? Make it in the top left corner perhaps.


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  • Posts: 111
And if you want to be sure of the actor's location, add a set [x/y] for [self] to [] block after the anchoring. Note that when an actor in anchored, its coordinates are relative to the camera (0,0 will be the top left corner of the window, for example).


  • Posts: 29
Ok, I don't know why it wasn't working but works great now! Thanks for putting up with my ignorance  ;D