

  • *
  • Posts: 30
Just an retro inspired 2D platformer.
Not a fantastic game. But i'm proud to have done everything by myself. All programming, graphics and music.
Overall, i'm proud. :)


Comments and reviews are always appreciated.



  • Posts: 89
I ran into a spot where the player doesn't respawn after death. It's the level where you start at the top, there's a scorpion in the middle and two shafts side by side to slide down with gargoyle's breathing fire in each one. I like your graphics a lot.


  • *
  • Posts: 30
Level 6, right?
That's weird, i am trying to replicate the error here, but it is spawning correctly.
If your game is saved, you can try closing the browser and opening again.

Anyway, thanks for the compliment. I worked really hard at the graphics, because i have NO artistic talent, so everything is more difficult. :)


  • Posts: 89
Yep, no problems now. My internet must've frozen up or something.