I'm having issues with testing a (mobile) game on Flash-player now that I have this AdMob extension (v. 3.3.5 by Robin) installed.
I have an Init scene, where I initialize the AdMob-extension. Then on other Scenes I, just use the 'show/hide AdMob banner'.
When testing on mobile phone, it works just fine (build succeeds and app runs).
But when trying develop and test the app with Flash-player (on Windows), the Flash compilation now fails.
It complains about 'Show AdMob banner' in main and game Scenes. See attached screen capture.
--log file shows this--
2015-09-27 11:01:39,962 INFO [Thread-12] stencyl.sw.util.StreamGobbler: [neko] Running command: BUILD
2015-09-27 11:01:39,962 DEBUG [Thread-12] stencyl.sw.util.StreamGobbler: [neko] - Running command: haxe -main ApplicationMain -cp "C:/Program Files (x86)/Stencyl/plaf/haxe/lib/openfl/openfl" -D openfl=3.3.2 -cp "C:/Program Files (x86)/Stencyl/plaf/haxe/lib/lime/lime" -D lime=2.6.1 -cp "C:/Program Files (x86)/Stencyl/plaf/haxe/lib/actuate/1,6,5" -D actuate=1.6.5 -cp "C:/Program Files (x86)/Stencyl/plaf/haxe/lib/console/1,00" -D console=0.0.0 -cp "C:/Program Files (x86)/Stencyl/plaf/haxe/lib/polygonal-ds/1,4,1" -D polygonal-ds=1.4.1 -cp "C:/Program Files (x86)/Stencyl/plaf/haxe/lib/polygonal-printf/1,0,0-beta" -D polygonal-printf=1.0.0-beta -cp "C:/Program Files (x86)/Stencyl/plaf/haxe/lib/box2d/1,11" -D box2d=0.0.0 -cp "C:/Program Files (x86)/Stencyl/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00" -D stencyl=0.0.0 -cp Source -cp "C:\Program Files (x86)\Stencyl\plaf\haxe\extensions/gestures" -cp "C:\Users\Aikuiset\AppData\Roaming\Stencyl\stencylworks\engine-extensions/Online ScoreBoard" -D native-trace -D openfl-next -D tools=2.6.1 -D flash-use-stage -D no-compilation -D openfl-flash -D verbose=1 -D web --remap nme:openfl -D network-sandbox -D as3_native -D swf-directblit -swf-lib newgrounds.swf -swf-lib cpmstar.swf -resource Assets/graphics/preloader-bg.png@preloader-bg -resource Assets/graphics/preloader-badge.png@preloader-badge -swf-lib Export/flash/obj/assets.swf -swf-version 11 -swf "Export/flash/bin/Halo Balls.swf" -cp Export/flash/haxe -debug
2015-09-27 11:01:42,817 ERROR [Thread-12] stencyl.sw.io.write.resource.HXWriter: Compilation error in behavior: Events for 'sceneLevel1': Unknown identifier : AdMob
2015-09-27 11:01:42,817 ERROR [Thread-12] stencyl.sw.util.StreamGobbler: [neko] Source/scripts/SceneEvents_0.hx:131: characters 3-8 : Unknown identifier : AdMob
2015-09-27 11:01:42,817 ERROR [Thread-12] stencyl.sw.io.write.resource.HXWriter: Compilation error in behavior: Events for 'sceneStart': Unknown identifier : AdMob
2015-09-27 11:01:42,817 ERROR [Thread-12] stencyl.sw.util.StreamGobbler: [neko] Source/scripts/SceneEvents_2.hx:110: characters 4-9 : Unknown identifier : AdMob
2015-09-27 11:01:42,817 ERROR [Thread-12] stencyl.sw.io.write.resource.HXWriter: Compilation error in behavior: Events for 'sceneHighScores': Unknown identifier : AdMob
2015-09-27 11:01:42,817 ERROR [Thread-12] stencyl.sw.util.StreamGobbler: [neko] Source/scripts/SceneEvents_4.hx:271: characters 4-9 : Unknown identifier : AdMob
2015-09-27 11:01:42,817 ERROR [Thread-12] stencyl.sw.io.write.resource.HXWriter: Compilation error in behavior: Events for 'sceneInit': Unknown identifier : AdMob
2015-09-27 11:01:42,817 ERROR [Thread-12] stencyl.sw.util.StreamGobbler: [neko] Source/scripts/SceneEvents_5.hx:92: characters 5-10 : Unknown identifier : AdMob
2015-09-27 11:01:42,817 ERROR [Thread-12] stencyl.sw.io.write.resource.HXWriter: Compilation error in behavior: Events for 'sceneInit': Unknown identifier : AdMob
2015-09-27 11:01:42,817 ERROR [Thread-12] stencyl.sw.util.StreamGobbler: [neko] Source/scripts/SceneEvents_5.hx:96: characters 5-10 : Unknown identifier : AdMob
2015-09-27 11:01:42,817 DEBUG [pool-1-thread-2] stencyl.sw.util.Util: Process 'neko' exited with code: 1
2015-09-27 11:01:42,817 ERROR [pool-1-thread-2] stencyl.sw.io.write.resource.HXWriter: Failed: Building for Flash. (Return code: 1)
2015-09-27 11:01:42,817 ERROR [pool-1-thread-2] stencyl.sw.util.dg.MessageDialog: Encountered errors while building your game. - Check your logs and post them to the forums.
---clip ends--