Stencyl Jam 15 Winners !


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  • Posts: 2181
Hello Stencylers !  In case anyone hasn't check the Newgrounds site recently or hasn't seen  xcmn post , I  have posted the Stencyl winners . Congratulations to everyone who submitted a game for this jam!

    Stencyl Jam 15 Winners :

  #1 "Crayon Poke
by Raiyumi

#2 "SARCO"
by CosmicGhost

#3 "theNEXTjump"
by filsdd

#4 "Down is Up"
by Inversion

#5 "Iridescent"
by PixlWalkr, known on the Stencyl Forums as: osiaslemuel

Great job, everyone!

« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 11:39:41 am by Donni11 »


  • Posts: 19
These are all awesome! Congratulations to the winners!
Cat? No, you need more than one. "cat" needs to be "cats."
I have resources on StencylForge! Just search up "FadedSketch".
FadedSketch on DeviantART


  • Posts: 90
Thank you! :D
Congrats to all winners and participants! :]