Hi guys,
I'm putting up this sticky as a reminder/request to anyone who has already read Stencyl Essentials to
please take some time to go over to Amazon and post a review, if at all possible. Just as an FYI, you don't even necessarily have to have purchased the book on Amazon to post a review, the only prerequisite is that you have purchased at least 1 item from Amazon at some point in the past. Here's the link:
http://www.amazon.com/Stencyl-Essentials-Richard-Sneyd/dp/1784399450We all know the saying that 'a rising tide lifts all boats'; the first Stencyl book benefited from this principle, and reciprocally, exposed Stencyl to new users, which helps to grow the community/user base, and in turn, that benefits all of us. This can also be said of my video courses on Udemy, DigitalTutors.com etc. So, if you've enjoyed Stencyl Essentials, please take the a few moments to share that experience!
I'd also like to request that if you happen to spot any minor typos/faults/errata that I and the Packt team may have missed in the text, please share them with me here on this thread, and we'll get right on it.
Thanks in advance!