Collision bug in 8398 build


  • Posts: 14
I was doing my whole game in build 8281, everything was fine, until I decided to upgrade to 8398 and compiled game for Android.
Collision seems all messed up. In scene events I have GroupToGruop collsion, when actors collide if collision is solid, nothing happens, actor just bump into other actor and don't respond to event, when sensors, actors just pass one by another, and won't respond to event... I've double checked my collision groups, even print doesen't print anything.. Although, ActorTypeToActorType is working and responding to events..
In 8281 build, collisions were good and everything worked as it should.


  • *
  • Posts: 259
Bump? Was this ever resolved? Or real?


  • *
  • Posts: 259
Never mind. Fell for the old "adding a behavior to an actor type doesn't add it to specialized instances" quirk.
