Multiplayer Extensions Resource List


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  • Posts: 319
Hi mdotedot,

in your turn.hx is missing at line 458 this command : 


this was a little bug with previous version of your extension. Without this line, the app cannot know when and IF it's disconnected from the turn.

Now, I'm testing these changes with my game and tell you how them works

Thank you


  • Posts: 1654
Good Catch!
Thank you RulezTeam!

I've changed it in the version.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


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  • Posts: 319
Hi mdotedot,
do you remeber the score extension modded that you have done some time ago ?
I don't find any block to choose the number of score (before or after me) that I would like to download.
That's strange.
Am I doing something wrong ?


  • Posts: 1654
Hmm.. Hopefully I have that modified version somewhere .. Not sure. DonĀ“t you have a back-up of your own? I could modify it for Stencyl 3.5.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


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  • Posts: 319
Hi mdotedot,
I attach the score mod (for 3.4). Can you look if the block is available/visible ?

Thank you


  • Posts: 1654
Hi Rulez,

On the repository I added a few links to the special scoreboard extension I made for you.

Included is also a .stencyl file for 3.5 which demonstrates the use of the ' base ' block.

The download is for 3.4 which should still work on < 3.5 versions.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


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  • Posts: 319
Thank you. I'll try it and report here.


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  • Posts: 319
Hi mdotedot,
I'm testing your mod, but it doesn't work. If I use the "classic" score it connect with server and work, but when I try to use the ScoreIndicator extension (your mod for me) it crash the game.
FYI, the game crash even if I don't use any new block. In fact I have replaced all standard block from score with the same block that are present in ScoreIndicator,  so no "score limit base" , and the game crash. If I use the standard score, no problem. So I think that there is some event in ScoreIndicator that block the normal operating flow.

Can you try to use the ScoreIndicator with your project and see what is the problem ?

Thank you


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  • Posts: 319
Hi mdotedot,

I don't know if this can help you, but in scoreindicator.hx at 420 line there are this :

// setroomdata
         if(items[2]=="OK") {
             // Store the results in the ID location so that other blocks can retrieve it
            // # and . extraction
trace("requestScoreIndicator result :"+items[3]);
            callBack(items[0]); // callback function   
      } // requestScoreIndicator (List)
         if(items[2]=="OK") {
             // Store the results in the ID location so that other blocks can retrieve it
            // # and . extraction
trace("requestScoreIndicator result :"+items[3]);
            callBack(items[0]); // callback function   

The second bold line should not be about "requestScoreLimitIndicator" ?


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  • Posts: 319
Hi mdotedot,
 I'm looking at log report of DB when I use score extension, and I've seen that when I use block download score (GetScore) it  make two call for every request that I make. So if I would to load two score level, my server receive four request. Why ?

The same thing is when I update the score (SendScore.UpdateScore.scorenr_). I receive two calls to sql server.

« Last Edit: March 16, 2018, 02:27:07 am by RulezTeam »


  • Posts: 1654
Not sure.
If I understand you correctly you state that on the server side it does things twice.
Or do you say that the URLRequest is done twice?

Does it break something? If the PHP does things more often it isn't really a problem. Not good, but not a problem.

Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


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  • Posts: 319
yes, at server side it does things twice, but only for UpdateScore and GetScore.While if I send a NewScore it does one time. So, it's strange. Or is it not strange ?


  • Posts: 1654
It is strange and should not be done.

If it is like:
and then

It is not really good and should be avoided but I'm not going to make a complete new version just to remove this.

I can use this thread as a TODO list but to be honest I am not going to work on anything multiplayer for a bit unless it is really, really important.

Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.