
Which game would you choose?

Elemental Clash
A Second Leap of Faith
Crazy Golf
Dead Sprint
Mysterious Happenings
Super Galaxy Star
The Binding Force
Fire & Ice

Community Vote for Fun: Best Game Between January and April


  • Posts: 74
This is just for fun, this in no way effects the outcome of the actual judging.

Just for fun I thought we could have the community vote on their favorite contest games since this is the longest running contest so far.

I made the poll before the actual judging so the official winner won't influence this poll.

Before you vote, please play ALL of the games.

« Last Edit: April 17, 2011, 04:57:23 pm by Chibicat »


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
We have a formal page for viewing all the games in one spot.


  • Posts: 74
I didn't see that one, oops.