Actor position


  • Posts: 24
Hi. I'm having difficulty with my character's positions. My first scene is a town that has houses and castle. The player can enter a house/castle. Once the player exits the house/castle, game will switch to the town scene. My problem is the position of the player. Whenever the player exits a house/castle, the position of the character is always at the beginning. But what should happen is, once the player exits a house/castle, he should be in front of the door of that house/castle. Any ideas about this will be truly appreciated. Thanks!


  • *
  • Posts: 2263
Create a game attribute on the fly and store its x and y position. Then switch to tose positions


  • Posts: 24
Create a game attribute on the fly...

I'm sorry, but i think i don't understand this part. Thank you for your reply! :)


  • Posts: 24
Oh yes, we have almost the same problem. Thank you so much! :)