[iOS] Final Frontier-project ready for development


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Code: [Select]
Game development didnt started yet as there is no iStencyl(game is supposted to be iOS game).
This game is large RPG project for iOS and it maybe will be made for PC too (after releasing iOS game)
Most of graphic is dun(details need to be put into sprites and tiles, also few futuristic tilesets need to be made/found)
This is still IDEA. It means characters and story MIGHT change...

also sorry for my bad grammar as english is not my first language...


TO DO list:
Code: [Select]
-edit logo
-find present/futuristic tileset
-wait for iStencyl
-edit sprites
-edit story
-make world section
-make screenshot of game(when iStencyl comes)

As humans have developed more and more technology, wars came...

Tyrins? Syrins?

In year 2104 the 5th World War happened, this time humans invented another versions of humans, the Tyrins and Syrins. Tyrins were mostly male humans whom had special technology inside them, they could use POWER[/i]. Tyrins were made first, still in 2086. Humans were having problems with them, becouse they didn't know how to activate their Power. Dr. Hanz Von Skavskow had came up with idea of uniting Tyrins with something, so Syrins were born, Syrins are mostly female race(young females) becouse Tyrins have Power and Syrins guideance...
So after long 7 years of working on Syrins Dr. Hanz had finally finished them and started experiments with Tyrins+Syrins. These test results were positive. Syrins were the ones whom united their mind with Tyrins and helped them use Power. Tyrins could concentrate on dealing demage and Syrins on moving around body of Tyrin...

Text by: Henry Rainer,  The God's Apprentice


Power is special ability.........Uwah I don't know much about it either, dad told me that once a while ago a mystical meteor had crushed on Earth and sank whole Souhern Africa, can you imagine that? So he told me that some guys from America wanted that meteor(also it was wanted by any other powerful nation), so Americans went to bottom of sea to take that rock out. But it was not a meteor da told me that real alien was inside!!! He said that alien had powers that we(humans) took from his body, they were awsome to watch(I saw a video on WeTube)Blue light was cutting everything around, they(the dudes that rule country)said it was to dangerous to not have them controlled and so Tyrins were started to be built...
And after 15 years they finally made Tyrins and Syrins so they could use the Power...

Text by: Clara Winslow, The reporter
                 Boy: David Deter


We're back to year 2104 where Tyrins and Syrins  participate as ultimate weapon, however, something bad happened, the boss became angry and started throwning rocks on Earth(meteors), humans were ******* up now. To play such games with mother nature...
Unforgivable! Boss decided to destroy Earth, by I came up with better proposition, why not destroy everything on it and restore Earth to former glory? God liked my proposition, but he left ruins of towns and cities everywhere so humans had to clean up their mess. Hihihihi!
I'm so evil! Anyway, the new Earth had awoken and changes will be done, at least i hope so...

Text by: Uknown angel?

New Earth?

New Earth is Earth after its destruction. When everything was peaceful. New Earth was peaceful for over 300 years, when suddenly, from far away land came Emperor taht mastered demon summoning. He sat on throne of New Earth and killed anyone who desobeied him. Not much years passed since he became imortal. Everyone lost hope of freedom, of their lost peaceful days...

Main Story

Its year 637. in New London. Sora Kornwell got mission to stop Resistance members in London, she went to tell every important person
to be ready for attack. When she was in Prime Minister's house. He was assassinated in front of her eyes. A hooded person was in room. He jumped trough window and ran into dark streets of London...
She followed person to check if it was one of resistance members, only to find empty room... Where did hooded person go?

Final Frontier is story of Laxus Rees, Sora Kornwell and Layle Ryn and their fight to win over New Earth back from hands of Tariq(evil emperor).

Laxus Rees

Age: 6~13~15~17(you jump trouh memories of players so)
Race: Tyrin
Power: Time and Space manipulation
Personality: When he was younger he was cheerful, but now he lost his will to live, he kept going just 'cuz of Resistance
Bio: His past is mistery to all Resistance members, even to Layle. He is leader of Resistance and strongest member there. He ran away from his old home and found new home in Resistance. He doesnt remember who he is. He wants to find out who he is and kill Tariq.

Sora Kornwell

Age: 16
Race: Syrin
Specialization: Assassination and leadership
Personality: She lost her old friend in battle and stayed depressed ever sence. Calm and cold.
Bio: ???

Layle Ryn

Race: Tyrin
Power: Body change, mind control
Personality: Cheerful and playful girl, but when comes to battle shes serious like -----
Bio: Layle is girl Laxus saved when she was 13. She never forgot him. When 1 year ago she found Laxus half dead, she never left his side. She shows to everyone how much she likes Laxus(you'll see in game lol) She can change her body to weapon(arm to sword, hair to knifes, etc.) and she can mind control people, but she didn't mastered it.

Game will contain:[spoiler]
Memories of characters, you will jump in their memories to find out their past.
Upgrade system-You will be able to upgrade skills of characters and their talents.
Skill Tree
Premium shop-probably
and much more!

Umm so this is it so far. I need to work on story more and ill post map of New World soon as well as New Towns description. No actual screen becouse there is no iStencyl yet(as i know)

Feedback appriciated
-Live for nothing, or die for something... Ur call...-
~John Rambo