i'm making a asteroids like game
however I don't like the feel of the behavior that is built into stencyl
I would like to be able to control my ships acceleration rotation and max rotaion with rotation speed via a value being not so physic like
I would like to be able to control my ships acceleration and max speed(acceleration being a value plus a modifier attribute called spd)
I would like to be able to control my ships coaster rate with it not being so physics like
4. I would like to control the friction of the movement
I would like to be able to set the left dodge and right dodge input tap delay 0 being can do it without tapping and -1 being they can't do it at all
6.I would like to return the inputs for left right up down rightdodge leftdodge
I would also like to control the acceleration(not a constant speed just a inpulse) of the dodges being not so physics like
I would like to be able to use animations like idle, forward, backward, right, left, right
dodge, left dodge
8. finally I would like a Boolean option for if it moves the object or the rooms virtual position
for example the rooms virtual position is other objects plus their current speed, and the parallax
this is for infinite looping
edit also yes I want this to be a behavior i can reuse