Crossy Chasm


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  • Posts: 2279 (winnable version)

LD Page:

Android Version:

I want to try again at mixing action and idle elements. I know idle games are not the best for getting rating on LD since people only give you 1-2 minutes of play time. Lucky for me, I don't really care about my ranking :)

Totem chess had a little too much idle and not enough player interaction. My biggest problem was creating graphics and balancing stats for 16 characters. So my thought this time is making an action game that is driven by the idle elements. This concept is applicable to pretty much any theme that might be selected. For instance, if the theme is "infection", I could have incubation times for gaining bacterial attributes (the idle elements) coupled with an action part of germ warfare where you are controlling one of the bacteria (the action element). If you do not want to play, you can just let the incubations do their thing. If you do want to play, you can start an incubation and then play the warfare part. If it is something regarding exploration, the idle part could be sending out scouts or probes. If it is about "power sources" as a few of the themes have been, the idle part can be about increasing the attributes of the power source.

I'm going to have to hit the ground running on this since the project will probably be too big to handle within in the time frame :)

« Last Edit: August 24, 2015, 10:27:07 am by ceosol »


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  • Posts: 2279
When I first saw the theme, I couldn't remember what I was going to make for it. I think it was one of the ones that I had down voted. But then I had a neat idea to make a reverse tower defense. I already know that it is unlikely that I'll finish, but it should be a fun project to make :)


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  • Posts: 2279
I added an embed into the first post. Its not much to look at right now :)


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  • Posts: 28
This is a cool concept, can already see a lot of cool stuff coming out of this idea from just the demo! Good luck.


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  • Posts: 2279
I made some quick animations for monsters. The embedded version is clipped off some. Its better to see the full thing:

I need to make a the "buy" screen. My thought is having it look like you are looking out of a computer monitor at the player. You'll get to choose your next wave and some other special features for your monsters (if I have time).


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  • Posts: 2738
I made some quick animations for monsters. The embedded version is clipped off some. Its better to see the full thing:

I need to make a the "buy" screen. My thought is having it look like you are looking out of a computer monitor at the player. You'll get to choose your next wave and some other special features for your monsters (if I have time).

Interesting idea! Would be neat to see a post-LD version with any features you don't get to by tomorrow.


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  • Posts: 212
I'm digging that animation.


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  • Posts: 2279

Just updated everything. I spent waaaaaay too much time on the graphics today.

Good things:
- The wave system is almost complete, you can choose your next wave when you die.
- Respawning is complete, you respawn after 10 seconds.
- I have 5 wave types. They are fairly well balanced in speed, hitpoints and spawn rate.

Bad things:
- I don't think I have time to really incorporate the idle mechanics.
- I don't have time to make multiple levels with different level design/terrain
- I definitely don't have time to make an action system. I wanted to have "soldier towers" where little dudes spawn to fight you.

Final things that I think I can accomplish:
- I have 8-way animations for the main character. I should have time to include those.
- The "user" will be laughing at and taunting the monsters (you).
- I want to have the "user" creating new archer towers as he gets money.
- Finally, I want to have some powerups for the monsters...

Oh yeah, and music if I can slap down a nice battle drum beat.


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  • Posts: 2279
Interesting idea! Would be neat to see a post-LD version with any features you don't get to by tomorrow.

Yeah, I am missing so much of my plans right now. I knew it was too big to complete starting out, but I must have been out of my mind. Today, half of the time I spent cutting things from my game design.

I'm digging that animation.

Thanks. 75% of my work time today was making animations lol


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  • Posts: 2279
Fixed a few things before going to bed:

- Archer towers no longer display targeting info
- Changed the collision box on the player to make the upper wall more "3D"
- Put in a quick little z-ordering for the monsters. Its not perfect, but at least guys aren't walking across each other's faces anymore.


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  • Posts: 2279
I got some of the powerups in. It was easier just to have the powerups globally affect the monsters instead of individually specializing in a monster type.

I've starting working on the "user" AI. He can now purchase two extra towers.

I also added in a "back to the planning screen" if you walk to the right.

So much work to be done and so little time :)


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  • Posts: 2279
8-way animations done. The main character now stops the "walking" animation when at zero speed, as well.

Added another user upgrade, he can now upgrade his bullets by 1 damage.


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  • Posts: 2279
New version up. I know there's still one or two things that I want to do, but I can hardly think straight :)


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  • Posts: 2279
Bleh, I think my game is unwinnable. I'll slow down the user's progression tomorrow.


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  • Posts: 2279
I made a fixed version. Just for the heck of it, I also published it to android :D