Impassioned Fowl


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  • Posts: 7
I made my compo entry with stencyl, and apart from a few memory leaks and weird crashes it went ok. You play as an angry goose who needs to calm down...

play it here:


  • Posts: 1654
Nice graphics but you score on Humor!

When you make an error it is taking way too long before trying again.

Best regards from
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


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  • Posts: 7
You can click through the game over screens, it takes about 6 seconds in total  :P


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  • Posts: 7
It takes a bit longer in flash because the level has to reload again, try the standalone


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  • Posts: 351
Very funny. "Dude, not cool. You're a goose." Nice job. Music didn't really match, but at least yours has music. Mine is music-less. *sigh*
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