!! Ojya Leaderboard Facebook Extension !! V13a - Facebook API 13 - RELEASED -


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sorry for the delay of my response.
Ojyaleaderboard is using facebook Analytics, which you can deactivate if you want.
The basic facebook analytics w/o the advance features.
Those are 2 basic facebook analytics screen of Ojyaleaderboard:


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Ojya Leaderboard 10g
Facebook API 3.3
for Stencyl 3.4 and 4.0.1

* Out Soon *

The Best Facebook Leaderboard for gaming

- Ojya Leaderboard 10f , extension and game is now compatible with facebook API 3.3 .

- Facebook iOS SDK updated to last version 5.2.2

- Coming soon also for Android, Facebook SDK 5

- Solved posting a game celebration , after the depreciation of 'games.celebrate' and other opengraph facebook actions.
   Features and post-results remains the same.

For the changes please refer in the pdf, section 'D' part 'c',  'Opengraph post and challenge post'.

Ojya Leaderboard is the most complete facebook leaderboard ever made with unique mechanism for the score , sharing game objects and posting to facebook.

Stay tuned !

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard


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Ojya Leaderboard 10g
Facebook API 3.3
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 5.x

for Stencyl 3.4 and 4.0.1

* Out Soon *

The Best Facebook Leaderboard for gaming

Facebook Android SDK 5.1.1 , last version UPDATED !!

Last crash tests and soon Ojyaleaderboard version 10g will be released.

Stay tuned !

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard


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Ojya Leaderboard 10g
Facebook API 4
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 5.x

for Stencyl 3.4 and 4.0.1

* Released *

The Best Facebook Leaderboard for gaming

Ojyaleaderboard V10g is released.
- Facebook SDKs have been updated to the last versions. SDK 5.
- In compliant with facebook policy for sdk initialization and activation of the appevents, facebook analytics, by the player's permission.
- SQL Database Scores
- Rich posts to timeline, game celebration and challenges.
   Full of graphics and text messages with player's names, scores, levels ,game names and game site redirect links.
- Share game objects with other players, like weapons, lives, unlock game features.

Compatible with facebook API 4

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard

« Last Edit: August 02, 2019, 02:44:56 pm by andyvene »


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard 10g
Facebook API 4
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 5.x

for Stencyl 3.4 and 4.0.1

The Best Facebook Leaderboard for gaming

- Minor fix for compatibility with the latest private build Stencyl 4.0.1 b10417.

Compatible with facebook API 4

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard

« Last Edit: December 08, 2019, 10:45:05 pm by andyvene »


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard 10g
Facebook API 5
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 5.x

for Stencyl 3.4 and 4.0.1

The Best Facebook Leaderboard for gaming

- Tested with the latest Facebook API 5.0

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard


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Ojya Leaderboard 10g/i
Facebook API 5
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 5.x

for Stencyl 3.4 and 4.0.2

* Released *

The Best Facebook Leaderboard for gaming

Ojyaleaderboard V10g/i with the updated extension 'OjyaLeaderboard 7' in version 10i is released.

- Changes inside the Ojyaleaderboard 7 extension only, brought to version 10i.
- Compatible with the final Stenctyl release 4.02.
- Please, read the PDF and inside the extension the 'Version 10i OjyaLB .txt' , for the changes and for compiling the game choosing the iOS, Android minimum and target versions settings, in the preferences menu.

Updates will be send to Ojyaleaderboard users.

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard

« Last Edit: January 04, 2020, 07:31:39 am by andyvene »


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard 10g/i
Facebook API 5
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 5.x

for Stencyl 3.4 and 4.0.2

* Released *

The Best Facebook Leaderboard for gaming

Ojyaleaderboard V10g/i with the updated extension 'Ojyaleaderboard 7' version 10i is released.

Attention: Use the 2nd email we sending to you now. The first has an error on the NDLLs folders.

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard

« Last Edit: January 04, 2020, 07:31:01 am by andyvene »


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard 10g/i
Facebook API 6
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 5.x

for Stencyl 3.4 and 4.0.2

The Best Facebook Leaderboard for gaming

- OjyaLeaderboard is compatible with the latest Facebook API 6.0.

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard 10g/i
Facebook API 6
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 5.x

for Stencyl 3.4 and 4.0.2

The Best Facebook Leaderboard for gaming

- Ojya leaderboard has features that can give your game more value.
- Your game will become more popular not by direct publicity, but as the user playing the game and share info with each other.
- Easy setup. The game needs for complete setup ony 3 facebook variables and for the score-mechanism only 4 variables from your ftp-sql server. The setup of the sql part is done automatically by Ojya leaderboard.

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard

« Last Edit: February 27, 2020, 01:33:08 am by andyvene »


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard 10g/i
Facebook API 6
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 5.x

for Stencyl 3.4 and 4.0.2


Get Ojya leaderboard only for 32 euros for the next 7 days.

- Ojya leaderboard has features that can give your game more value. It is your swiss army knife for all your games.
- Your game will become more popular not by direct publicity, but as the user playing the game and share info with each other.
- Easy setup. The game needs for complete setup ony 3 facebook variables and for the score-mechanism only 4 variables from your ftp-sql server. The setup of the sql part is done automatically by Ojya leaderboard.
- Ojyaleaderboard game, with full features, ready to incorporate if wanted in your game, or use it as reference to see how the facebook ojya blocks have been used inside the game.
- You can use only part of the features ojya leaderboard has, if wanted.

- Quick features of the game:

    1. login to facebook
    2. post scores to server
    3. share game objects with other players
    4. post to facebook a challenge or a celebration-achievement
    5. Keep posting scores even if there is no connection, saves locally. In first connection posts scores, made before, automatically.
    6. Two leaderboard maps: For each level individually and a map with all levels.
    7. Clever game mechanism to avoid errors and internet issue connections, with prompt dialogs.
    8. Tutorial to change the leaderboard graphical maps and create the x,y path.
    9. Facebook analytics for your game. Information of installs, logins, activations each day of your game.

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard

« Last Edit: March 30, 2020, 12:37:58 am by andyvene »


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard v11
Facebook API 6
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 5.x

for Stencyl 3.4 and 4.0.2

Version 11 Released

- New  'Ojyaleaderboard8' extension for Stencyl 4.02. Android project changed using now 'dependencies' folder.
- Updated Facebook iOS SDK for iOS 13.x compatibility.
- Updated Facebook Android SDK.
- Fixed unicode font display issue (multi language support).
- Tested with Stencyl 4.02  builds 10468 and 10519.
- Full features support also for Stencyl 3.4.
- All Ojya leaderboard calls are compatible with the latest facebook api 6.0.

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard

« Last Edit: April 06, 2020, 09:40:49 am by andyvene »


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Buying today, will I have access to all future updates? How will I receive these updates?

What is it possible to save on facebook? Score only, or other in-game items too?

« Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 09:28:33 am by rodolfovs »


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  • Posts: 135
you receive the updates with your email. Inside would be a link to download the new version.

Score is saved only using an SQL-server. Facebook score hosting is depreciated from facebook api 4.0 and above. ( i am looking for ways to activate it again, but for the moment there is nothing. Actually, sql-hosting is far much better for a developer for hosting scores. Much more secure without the facebook server api updates that creates from time to time broken code.)

You only need to have a web-hosting plan. All of them have ftp and sql-database features. You can try free plans on certain hosting-providers to test the game, like 000Webhost, or 5GBFree.
After creating a database in your server, which is a 1 minute thing, Ojyaleaderboard will setup and configure the score mechanism automatically for that database.  You only provide the username and password of the database login.

Facebook server, saves the game objects calls the people are sharing, as this is a facebook call.
Once the player get the objects , those can be saved inside the scores database or not. There is a boolean that the developer can activate that option.

And as last, you can post to facebook challenges and celebrations.

The game will be sent to you tomorrow if you buy it, as i made a minimum update.
Tested today with both iOS and Android, using facebook api 6 and 000webhost server and everything works.


« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 08:53:04 am by andyvene »


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard v11
Facebook API 6
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 5.x

for Stencyl 3.4 and 4.0.2

Promotion until 19 April

  Hurry up to get Ojya leaderboard, as promotion ends on 19th of April.

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard