Ok Paul.
The thing I need to know before proceeding if the sample game works as it should.
So , please , create some test users , login , post scores , and post to time line.
Also share some bonus between your test users.
In that way we exclude errors, that maybe the settings in AndroidManifest or the same Facebook test app may have.
At the end , if you arrived till this point, let's exclude errors.
One other thing , your app in Facebook must be assigned as game.
Ojya leaderboard uses game requests action. So just control that.
After, if everything works ok, proceed of sliming down some sounds and images.
But, in my opinion if you need login only and post a screenshot you can set it easily.
In your game. Using only the extension.
In the PDF there is how to make a complete login. Download it now.
JUST copy the use of the blocks as is described.
After the login , it is always common to make the call /me , so you can see the name and the photo of the user logged in.
After that you can start using the block for posting to timeline. An image generated in your game or a screenshot.
Some info for you and the other developers watching this forum.
A leaderboard like Ojya game is developed in 6 months, at least, using only the extension.
First must operate in every possible situation with no errors , specially the scores.
Saving in local device the score must be done always, and in certain situations .
Offline gaming is a big effort in programming. Dealing with facebook errors etc.
Installing for the first time the app , generating first time scores in the Facebook server etc is another resource in programming. Has other variables to consider.
All this after someone has deep knowledge of how Facebook works and how the calls works.
Then you can start using Ojya leaderboard extension and creating your game from the scratch.
So , if you want to use all the functions and also scores., you can use Only the extension to make calls and get the callbacks , but you must design the whole structure of your game behavior with Facebook.
Leaderboard design takes the same amount of time as developing a complete game. Point.
So keep in mind this.