Kitten Killer


  • Posts: 6

I just realised I haven't posted about my LD33 entry here yet!

As you can see, I took the theme on board very well. As from the feedback I've already received, people feel like a monster playing this.

The aim is to kill as many kittens in 60 seconds, it all features an in game tutorial. I do admit there is work that needs to be done though.

Ludum Dare Entry -
Stencil Arcade -

And some screenshots

Warzone Gamez

  • Posts: 711
I'm a horrible person for liking this game... I enjoyed the game, and I thought it was a funny interpretation of the theme. The only think I didn't like, was the bullets collision in sorta small, its hard to shoot the kittens, and the blood follow on the screen, it doesn't stay with the kittens dead bodies before it disappears.

My record is 46 kittens in 1 minute.
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