I guess I should update this since the year is coming to a close
I made about $6000 ($5911.86 if you want the exact number) in total from game development. I know that is half of my goal.
Overall, I having been easing off of the contract work. That is partially my own doing and partially because every single contract was plagued with delays in artwork or clients vanishing in the middle of the jobs.
I spent a few months learning Amazon Lumberyard. Although level generation is very nice, asset management is awful. You have to go through this massive file structure to find anything. And then they have tons and tons of options that you need to go through to customize the object. If it was my full time job, I guess I would get used to it. Not my cup of tea right now.
A lot of time was put into Jacbil. The game is getting close to 1GB in size. I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how to manage that size. Almost all of the mechanics are done. Once things settle down after the holidays, I'll finish the last few things I want for Alpha release.
I went to two game developer conventions. One of them I had a booth showing off Jacbil. I organized a board game Unpub event in my town. It is coming up in two weeks. I am starting the initial plans for doing a game developer convention in my town possibly during next summer. I will have to see how the initial planning goes.
Finally, I spent the past two months in talks with a local university. I will be teaching two classes in the spring semester. At least with that, I have almost reached my revenue goal for 2018

. The two courses are Game Design & Prototyping and Game Scripting.
So even though I fell short on my revenue, I think I have done quite a bit to further my gamedev career.