I'm not up to colburt's level (yet), but here is my February Report

$50 - Tutoring Stencyl
$150 - Bonus for the shooter game
$500 - Two milestones for a training game
$700 - Two milestones from WWUJD The Game (
$1400 for February
$2055 YTD
I am finding it easier to get contracts now. I think my portfolio is beginning to speak for itself. My suggestion to EVERYONE STARTING OUT, just get games out into the world. Do demos, do prototype, do little flash games (even if they do not make money), or make streaming development videos like a few Stencyl members do. Anything that increases your visibility is good. You never know when someone will need a game similar to what you have done before. Keep in mind, if the game is not polished at all, it might be better to advertise it as a demo.
I am going to try to get ahead of my $1,000/month goal (I really only need ~$700 to 800/month to pay rent and eat, etc.). I want to be ahead by one or two months so I can take a break and work on my own projects. Contract work is nice, but I would like to cultivate some long term revenue streams. Or it would give me the option to start subcontracting out work and taking a cut since I would be getting and managing the clients.