Multi Language Game


  • Posts: 279
Hello all...

I am trying to find a solution to make my game multi language.
Do you guys know if its possible for Stencyl to identify the user's language? At least on mobile devices?

For instance... if the user is located in Spain, the game will identify it's settings. So I can use the correct string
to be shown - in Spanish.

The translation is no big deal for me to be done. But I do need a way to identify the language of the user's device.
Is it possible?

I do believe it's important to support different languages make the game more successful.


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  • Posts: 458
I can't say wether or not stencyl can know, but every single game I've seen on iOS with language support is not automatic. It has settings where you can choose from a few languages, and I think it's better this way. Of course, there's stuff like weather API for haxe which sees your location for local weather. I'm sure that can be used to detect the user's country


  • Posts: 279
Thanks mate.

But all new games have language detection on it. Older ones used to show the country flags so user's may select the language.
Angry Birds for instance opens in Portuguese in Brazil. And in English in USA.
It's automatically. Not an user's setup / selection.

What I am looking  for is for instance...

In Java:

in Unity I did find the following tutorial:

That way developers can retrieve the System Language and the translation will use the correct texts to show.

Maybe Stencyl has a custom code to retrieve the system language. It would be awesome.
If not I will have to make the "Select your Language" option.


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  • Posts: 279
Maybe I have found a way in this post:,19118.0.html

I will try it later on!

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  • Posts: 2545
openfl.system.Capabilities.language returns the system language with a two letter language code (en for English, hu for Hungarian etc.). I've only tested it quickly on flash, but that may be what you want.


  • Posts: 279
Thanks a lot!

That's what I am looking for.
Default language will be english. But as soon I get some translations I may set the game automatically using that custom code.

 :D :D :D

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  • Posts: 111
I just want to say that even if the game chooses automatically the language, please let the user change it in case he prefers something else. English isn't my mother language, but I prefer to play in English if the game was written in it (especially for story-driven game, but it applies to other genres too).


  • Posts: 242
Yeah, like what Natrium said, its better if you just let the user pick which language they prefer, rather than auto forced it.
I travel a lot, I would be pretty pissed if a game I played in English, keep changing to other language every time I'm in a different country.

Maybe you can make a pop-up that says, for example : "The game is currently in English (default). Do you want to change it to Portuguese?" [Yes] [No] , on the game first launch.


  • Posts: 279
Good point there guys!

Maybe the game can setup automatically only once. At the first time it's being played. Registering it in a Global variable.
So even if you do travel around the game wont change the original setting.

BUT... it may be changed in an option menu. That will override the Global Variable with the user's choice.

Good point. I will study the best way to implement it.

Thank you guys!

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  • Posts: 2545
It grabs the device language rather than doing it based on location, so travelling a lot shouldn't matter too much unless you change your device language to the language of whatever country you are in ;)


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  • Posts: 1400
Very useful guys!
Thanks for bringing this up