The state of Bitmap fonts [FIXED]


  • *
  • Posts: 259
The last row of letters doesn't cause either of these issues. See the attached game. The font in it includes only four glyphs - A-D. None of them is outside the bitmap.

Bitmap fonts are just broken.


  • Posts: 251
Are there small artifacts around your text?

I noticed it's caused by the camera being at a coordinate with a float value, like 320.123 instead of just 320. There's an option to snap to pixels in the settings somewhere. It fixed it for me.

I found this out when I made a procedural scroll bar like the one on your browser. At decimal values, the text in my options menu had artifacts, and at the whole number values the text did not.


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  • Posts: 259
The problem is that the bitmap fonts don't draw at all. Regular fonts have artifacts around them that come from nearby letters, and this happens in a scene that doesn't move the camera at all.


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  • Posts: 230
Importing your game makes Stencyl angry. So I tried to import your font and set it up myself. It works fine for me. Here is the result:
::: It's never too late, unless you're dead. Maybe not even then. :::


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  • Posts: 259
How did you set it up?


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  • Posts: 230
the usual. import the image, setup the characters, use with draw text block.
::: It's never too late, unless you're dead. Maybe not even then. :::


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  • Posts: 259
Can you post your game here?


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  • Posts: 259
Also, which version of stencyl are you using?


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  • Posts: 230
I'm using the latest public release. And I'm sorry, I just left for the weekend. won't be able to access my laptop until tomorrow, so I can't send you the file.
::: It's never too late, unless you're dead. Maybe not even then. :::


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  • Posts: 230
oh, but I remember something. I  noticed that your 256*256 font image was saved as 4x graphic. did you import it at 4x on purpose? i would think you won't be able to work with it on the editor, since at 1x it would be 64*64, which means each letter would be only 6 pixel wide. maybe that's the cause?
::: It's never too late, unless you're dead. Maybe not even then. :::


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  • Posts: 259
I imported it at 1x, and the bitmap isn't 256x256. Not sure what you're seeing there.


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  • Posts: 6108
The exception quoted by letmethink and the scaling should be fixed now in the latest private build.


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  • Posts: 17524
(And a note for other readers is that the original issue was fixed and confirmed a few days back.)