Bitmap fonts - scale issue ?


  • Posts: 16
If I import an bitmap font at 2x scale it should display in the game at half-size compared to if I import it at 1x?

I would expect that behavior (you import higher resolution bitmap font at e.g. 2x scale so it looks better on higher resolution devices).

But for me it is not working. At 2x scale the font is 2x bigger in the game.
Creating fun games for the whole family.


  • Posts: 16
Well, bitmap font scaling is not working

No matter at which scale factor I import the font, the size is always the same.

This is a show stopper  :'(
Creating fun games for the whole family.


  • Posts: 16
Anyone can confirm this so I can file a bug report?
Creating fun games for the whole family.


  • Posts: 16
So nobody uses bitmap fonts?
Creating fun games for the whole family.


  • Posts: 251
Tested in build 8529. Not sure if I was able to replicate the bug perceived.
There are two newer builds available but none mention any text display fixes that may help this case.

But just to make sure
In the settings, and in the settings tab at the top of the list, click advanced.

At the bottom there are some checkboxes to allow for different asset sizes. This helps organize your assets so you're not having 4x assets in a 2x only game. Choose the ones you want.

After that, in the Web, Mobile, and Desktop tabs, there are more checkboxes that you can choose from which enables different scales for your game. Enabling some of these can allow the 2x, 4x, etc versions of assets to load instead of pixel scaling up a 1x asset.

I was able to have nice 1x crisp text in a 2x game at the proper sizing.

If you are doing all that and you still have a problem,  go ahead and write that bug report.


  • Posts: 16

Thank you very much for trying to help.

I have all check boxes checked (except the 3x).

But as I said, no matter what scaling I choose when importing the font bitmap it is always the same (original size).

Maybe I can send you the font bitmap so you can try?
Creating fun games for the whole family.


  • *
  • Posts: 6108
I believe this is fixed now in the latest private build.