BUG. Unexpected problem when searching [DUPLICATE]


  • Posts: 23
Hi, I am new to this program which I absolutely love, but I amd having many problems and crashes and I don't know how to solve them. I have tried to reinstall, even previous versions like 3.1 and 2.2 but keep getting a "unexpected behaviour message " mostly when I perform a search for a logic block. I attach logs relationated with this problem.
Unexpected problem on thread AWT-EventQueue-0: null

But now, I get a problem when trying to create a new actor (laser) which doesnt even generate a log! Game just hands and I see this message in the log, but doesnt generate one to attach.

Could not parse "0,2". Defaulting to: 0.2. stencyl.sw.editors.actor.phys.PhysicsPage.save (line: 929)

Could someone help me? thanks

« Last Edit: September 23, 2015, 11:21:00 am by Jon »


  • Posts: 117
I am also having a similar problem. I am on built 8670 on Windows 7 and it is so unstable. It crashes so much that I am really wondering if it is worth using to try and make my game.

It crashes whenever I try to search for code blocks which is unbelievably frustrating.


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
The search bar bug is known - I'll get Justin to fix it up today.

Where is that '0,2' coming from (as in, where did you enter that info into)?


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  • Posts: 17524
Fixed the original issue in the latest public release.


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  • Posts: 6108
Code: [Select]
Could not parse "0,2". Defaulting to: 0.2. stencyl.sw.editors.actor.phys.PhysicsPage.save (line: 929)
Judging by the line number, this is the Friction field in the Physics settings. Use "0.2" instead of "0,2".


  • Posts: 23
Code: [Select]
Could not parse "0,2". Defaulting to: 0.2. stencyl.sw.editors.actor.phys.PhysicsPage.save (line: 929)
Judging by the line number, this is the Friction field in the Physics settings. Use "0.2" instead of "0,2".
D'oh! That was the problem, thanks.


  • Posts: 3
I also have this warn message, not a problem at this moment, but I wonder if it is possible to change it globally instead of changing it in each actor or scene to avoid these warnings or possible compiling problems.
EDITED: It is strange that when I try to change it manually it has no effect and "," is back again...

Level:     WARN
When:      2015-10-20 18:24:07:366
From:      stencyl.sw.util.Util

Could not parse "0,2". Defaulting to: 0.2. stencyl.sw.editors.actor.phys.PhysicsPage.save (line: 929)

« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 09:38:15 am by Agroboy »


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  • Posts: 6108
Okay, I guess this is Locale dependant. We either need to make sure that the input is converted to the English format, or be able to parse different Locales too.


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  • Posts: 6108
I could not reproduce this with different locales though. With German or Spanish locale set, the numbers are still written with "." and parsed correctly.


  • *
  • Posts: 6108
Found it now - fixed in b8772.