3.3.2 - Build 8495 - August 10, 2015


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  • Posts: 17524
We've put out another "weekly" public release. Here's what has changed.

Build 8495 - August 10, 2015

- Fix: uncaught exceptions when entering 0 into tile width/height fields when creating a new tileset
- Fix: cannot open game if tileset image is missing (fallback to empty image)
- Fix: catch "Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges"
- Fix: uncaught exception when removing actor group
- Fix: Flash log location changed on Windows 10 (?)
- Fix: Don't allow a game name to become empty due to illegal characters when importing a game.

One area to look forward to in the future is a speed up of the long first compile times for native and mobile targets. It's not ready for public consumption yet, but the initial results are promising. A very large project went down from a 34 minute compile to 2 minutes.


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  • Posts: 229
What about my question here above? The swipe  blocks are not working on mobile from  weeks. Please can you tell me when you will you fix that?


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  • Posts: 17524
I've pinged Justin about it.

As with many bugs, if we're confident to know how long it would take, then we'd probably know how to fix it and would have already fixed it.


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  • Posts: 2720
A very large project went down from a 34 minute compile to 2 minutes.
:) This is fantastic.
I'm spanish, excuse me for my bad English.
I'm not a private teacher. Please, post your questions in the public forum.


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  • Posts: 2181
Hi Jon :) ! Are there any public announcement about Stencyl being able to publish to consoles around the finished completed release of 3.4 ?


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  • Posts: 17524
Console support is in the hands of a third party right now. While progress is being made, I do not think we'll have anything to announce until 2016 at the earliest.


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  • Posts: 12
Suspiciously (or not, I don't know) I downloaded this new version just this morning, and per my bug report (http://community.stencyl.com/index.php/topic,43182.0.html)  I can't create a Tileset at all. After I enter the name of the tile set it immediately throws the "Ouch this should not have happened" error without even showing the dialog to specify the image and size and whatnot.

I say this is suspicious because the stack trace seemed to think that one of the tile dimensions was -48 and the other was 0, and they have to be > 0 which sounds like a bug you just fixed today, except that it never even asked me the size before it threw the error.


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  • Posts: 17524
We've issued another release to address that regression and a few other issues.

Build 8500 - August 11, 2015

- Fixed regression: Can't create new tileset
- Fixed regression: Android build freezing on "adb devices"
- Fixed regression: Mobile swipe gesture not working


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  • Posts: 2181
Just a note that Stencyl issued another release to address a regression  today.

Build 8502 - August 12, 2015

Fix: Fix a regression related to Flash publishing.


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  • Posts: 229


  • Posts: 8
I'm on Mountain Lion and i know I can't update to the new version but is it possible to update to 3.3.0 or 3.2 ??