Multi-Touch issue with latest versions of Stencyl


  • Posts: 23
I get weird issue with Multi-Touch gestures on sample project under Mobile Input - Touch & Gestures (;topic=16105.0;attach=14613).  For every new touch app create one more actor for every existed touch.  This issue i got on Stencyl builds 8677 and latest 8699.  Same project on Stencyl build 8368 works normally (i cleaned games-generated every time).

OS: MacOS 10.10.4
Test devices: iPhone 5 (iOS 8.4.1), iPad 3 (7.0.6) 


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  • Posts: 731
it's a problem with lime, it really bugged me as I thought I'd been doing something wrong in my game until I did a test app to check touched worked as I thought it should. 

Apparently it's fixed in lime 2.6.3 hopefully Stencil will roll the new version of lime into an update soon.

link to lime issue:


  • Posts: 23
designpeg thank you for your answer.

With your help i got simple solution for this issue. I have downloaded lime 2.6.6. and openfl 3.3.6. and replaced old libraries in folder /Stencyl-full/plaf/haxe/lib under folder lime and openfl with new ones.


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  • Posts: 731
Glad it's worked for you, i wasted about two days going over and over my code trying to work out why it wasn't doing what I expected - learnt a valuable lesson though - It's not always my fault when something doesn't work!!!


  • Posts: 201
I still get errors even though Stencyl now has lime 2.6.8...

Making some changes to see if it's my code or Lime....

« Last Edit: November 15, 2015, 07:53:04 pm by Minimo »


  • Posts: 201
The new multi-touch seems to be fixed in the lime update    :)

Also had an error in my code-- a mouse-driven event in a triggered behavior.
Removed it and viola, multi-touch seems to be working very well now   