Can't launch on Mac


  • Posts: 2
(Running Mac OS X 10.9.4)

I had installed an older version (build 8449) originally, which would launch but wouldn't work with Crash Course.

In the process of investigating that, I realized  there were newer versions.

So I just downloaded the new version. Now it won't launch at all: the icon zooms but nothing else happens.

More details on my page at:


  • Posts: 2
Thanks, that worked.


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
@captaincomic - Is there anything we can do to alert the user about this upfront?


  • Posts: 201

I think you've done a good job with showing the Java 8 requirements in the downloads pages:

But you may want to add a warning message if the user tries to build with Java version <8. 
Maybe add a quick Java version check at an early stage of compiling to prevent users from posting these messages ?

Code: [Select]
If Java >=8, complete compilation.  If not, pop-up error message.



  • *
  • Posts: 17524
In this case, the user wasn't able the launch the app. It would be ideal to be able to catch this upfront, so they aren't thinking that Stencyl is buggy and unable to launch (and instead is because Java 8 is required).

There are an astonishing number of people who will miss warnings on pages, no matter how well placed.


  • *
  • Posts: 6108
Added a check for Java 8 on Mac (b8728).