I can't reproduce this on my end. Does it happen each time?
Could you be explicit about exactly what steps you are taking to reproduce this? (tell us how you are creating them, what kind of game attribute you are making, etc.)
Hi Jon,
Thanks for the reply. I'll try to be as specific as possible. This is most often how I get the bug:
1) I have a behaviour attached to an actor
2) I open the behaviour and start editing its events
3) I click on "Attributes -> Game Attributes -> Create New Game Attribute" and the window opens up
4) I give the attribute a name.
5) I leave the category to "Default"
6) I give it type, let's say "Number"
7) And finally I leave the initial value at zero
Once I click OK, I get the error.
Sometimes, the attribute is visible from the "Show Attributes" list, but at the same time is not visible when I go to search for it in the search box. In order to then actually access the variable in my code, I need to reboot Stencyl.
Other times, the variable will be both visible in the "Show Attributes" list and also searchable, and if that is the case I can use the variable in my code without having to reboot. Stencyl still throws the initial error, but I just ignore it in these cases.
Hopefully this help.