[SOLVED] Missing Image Data... Can't open game


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  • Posts: 19
I saw some people have had this problem as well but I can't quite figure out from the threads what I can do to fix it.  Anybody know what I can do?  Thanks in advance.

2015-10-01 21:43:22,954 ERROR [pool-1-thread-2] stencyl.sw.data.EditableAnimation: Unable to load actor animation for actor with ID: 66. Substituting images with blanks.
javax.imageio.IIOException: Can't read input file!
   at javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(ImageIO.java:1301)
   at stencyl.sw.util.gfx.ImageUtil.readRasterImage(ImageUtil.java:152)
   at stencyl.sw.data.EditableAnimation.loadImagesInternal(EditableAnimation.java:328)
   at stencyl.sw.data.EditableAnimation.loadImagesInternal(EditableAnimation.java:263)
   at stencyl.sw.data.EditableAnimation.loadImages(EditableAnimation.java:228)
   at stencyl.sw.data.EditableAnimation.<init>(EditableAnimation.java:132)
   at stencyl.sw.io.read.AnimationReader.read(AnimationReader.java:85)
   at stencyl.sw.io.read.SpriteReader$SpriteApply.apply(SpriteReader.java:61)
   at stencyl.core.lib.io.AbstractReader.applyToChildren(AbstractReader.java:104)
   at stencyl.sw.io.read.SpriteReader.load(SpriteReader.java:43)
   at stencyl.sw.data.EditableSprite.read(EditableSprite.java:74)
   at stencyl.sw.data.EditableSprite.<init>(EditableSprite.java:69)
   at stencyl.sw.io.read.SpriteReader.read(SpriteReader.java:38)
   at stencyl.core.lib.io.IOHelper.read(IOHelper.java:112)
   at stencyl.core.lib.io.IOHelper.read(IOHelper.java:103)
   at stencyl.core.lib.ResourceList.init(ResourceList.java:81)
   at stencyl.core.lib.ResourceList.<init>(ResourceList.java:57)
   at stencyl.core.lib.ResourceList.createList(ResourceList.java:47)
   at stencyl.core.lib.Game.load(Game.java:1660)
   at stencyl.sw.app.tasks.OpenGameTask.startOpeningGame(OpenGameTask.java:157)
   at stencyl.sw.app.tasks.OpenGameTask.doInBackground(OpenGameTask.java:117)
   at stencyl.sw.app.tasks.OpenGameTask.doInBackground(OpenGameTask.java:34)
   at javax.swing.SwingWorker$1.call(SwingWorker.java:295)
   at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
   at javax.swing.SwingWorker.run(SwingWorker.java:334)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617)
   at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
2015-10-01 21:43:22,964 ERROR [pool-1-thread-2] stencyl.sw.util.dg.MessageDialog: Warning: Missing Image Data - Stencyl could not locate image data for one or more actor types and has substituted blank images to continue. Close the game, do not save and post it to the forums.

« Last Edit: October 05, 2015, 07:47:54 pm by rbuckley25 »


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  • Posts: 19
Probably a risky move because I'm not exactly an expert when it comes to messing with these xml files but I found the area of the data.xml file that contained the the information about the actor with the ID 66 (which ended up being the last actor that I was editing before this happened) and deleted it.  I backed everything up first and then just deleted everything in that section of the xml file right up to the next actor.  I also cleared out all of the png's associated with it in the resources folder.  Now the game opens and the actor is gone.  Haven't re-tested everything but so far so good.  It's not ideal to have to recreate the actor but it's a million times better than re-doing the whole game because it is big and I have not been backing up (I know, stupid).  Next I'll try to restore the broken files and see if I can just delete those animation that I added most recently but so far I'm happy with these results.  This seems to make sense to me but again, I'm not an expert here so if you're reading this and cringing because I'm unknowingly about the nuke this game let me know.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 08:35:17 pm by rbuckley25 »


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  • Posts: 19
For those who are interested or have the problem in the future, what I mentioned above did the trick.  Make sure to make copies of any xml file before you edit it just in case.  I just found the actor in the data.xml file and deleted the most recent animations.  Then I went to the resources folder and deleted all of the image files that correlated to those animations... and voila, the game opened back up and I started adding those animations back.


  • Posts: 1
Same error. Missing Image file. Changed the data.xml file. Game doesn't get saved.

Brief: Its a farm game. You need to collect the fruits grown.
1. I was not able to delete or rename Banana (actor), which had a cherry image.
2. So, deleted this actor from resources-> data.xml file.
3. Banana is deleted from Actor Types on stencyl. But the game doesn't get saved and the same error shows up again.
4. Help

Attached the data.xml file