Unable to Test games on OS X (ANSWERED)


  • Posts: 2

It's my first time with Stencyl, so I spent a couple of hours following the Crash Course , but there seems to be a problem. I'm unable to Test or Run the game in any way. It seems perfectly fine: it saves, compiles and finalizes when I hit Test Game, but nothing shows up. Test Scene also seems to not work. It gives me an error when I try to Publish to Flash.

The version of the program is Build 8281 on OSX 10.11 (El Capitan). I attached the log files.

Thank you for your time.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2015, 12:05:33 pm by Jon »


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
Try using 3.4.0 instead. The older release won't work on El Capitan.

We're stuck in a bit of a tricky place because the new build is the only one that will work on El Capitan due to changes that Apple made, but we're distributing the older build, which is stabler for some.


  • Posts: 2
That solved the problem, I can do tests now. You can close the thread.

Thank you for your time again.


  • Posts: 2
i can't figure it out ..

@Jon , where do you find the 3.4.0 version of Stencyl ?

From here -> http://www.stencyl.com/download/  I see 3.4.0 version but  if i click on download , i get  the "Stencyl-full.zip" which is  the the 3.3.2 version and not the 3.4.0  :/


  • *
  • Posts: 6108
The about dialog of 3.4.0 is wrong and still says 3.3.2. If the build number is 8734, you have 3.4.0.


  • Posts: 2
Ok thanks !

Any idea of build problem for OS X El Capitan ?

My logs :
2015-11-07 10:34:37,719 INFO  [Thread-21] stencyl.sw.util.StreamGobbler: [haxelib] Uncaught exception - load.c(237) : Failed to load library : zlib.ndll (dlopen(zlib.ndll, 1): image not found)
2015-11-07 10:34:37,720 DEBUG [pool-1-thread-6] stencyl.sw.util.Util: Process 'haxelib' exited with code: 1
2015-11-07 10:34:37,720 ERROR [pool-1-thread-6] stencyl.sw.io.write.resource.HXWriter: Failed: Building for Flash. (Return code: 1)