Thank you VERY much for that Liberado, I really must have forgotten about the blocks to grab and compare the actor of group or type, I completely forgot about them. Also this is a new usage of a loop for me, never used an if condition inside a loop like that before, so thanks a lot for the programming lesson.
I also didn't know drawing was faster than creating actors, but I suppose you speak from a speed of code execution point of view. From a flash display point of view, I think drawing - which would use flash vectors? - is slower, right?
If that is true I don't know if it's true for mobile and desktop. I know how flash manages vectors and the quality setting, I don't know how Stencyl draws on other platform - are they still vectors, can I still change their quality, and are their slower to display than bitmaps like they should be in Flash? But that's out of topic.
Or maybe drawing does not create vectors in Flash, but some kind of hardware accelerated geometry? I doubt it though, I think it's traditional Flash vectors.