Build 8868 - Bugs Found So far


  • Posts: 293
All i have done is update the install, and rebuild my app

So far, ads seem to display even if they are set to hide, this is just using banner, not the new ads, as i have not changed anything in the code, i have simply rebuilt using the new version.
The banner ads are now stretched across the top of the screen, where as before they were square, and in the centre.

Full screen scale to fit, causes issues on my device, graphical glitches where the home back buttons are, the tiles pop in and out before the edge of the screen, around the home button bar

Please see attached Screen.. White section = removed as work in progress

1. The Ad is all that way across the top now, before it was square in the centre (also shouldn't be displaying)
2. The right side, background colour is black, and tiles are disapearing well before the edge of the screen..


  • Posts: 293
Further testing it seems that keep screen active now doesn't work..
It turns off the screen now after the set time in settings.

Was this intended?