Actor not inside group


  • Posts: 78

I have a noob question... I cant find the block.

I started a new puzzle game I made a behavior for moving player/boxes on screen. The problem is that player moves in all directions and boxes are pushed LR, drops if there is nothing down, and don't use the UP at all. I already made the pushing, but I am asking how to make dropping and not moving up... for now I discovered :

If <group of self> if not = <?????>. I can't find how to select a group there :(

« Last Edit: February 07, 2016, 10:48:46 am by Jorj »


  • *
  • Posts: 6108
In the same section as the "group of <actor>" block is a block with a dropdown " <actors> ". You can use that block to select a group for comparisons.


  • Posts: 78
Sorry, but I cant find it... in the dropdown I only get last created actor, last colided actor, choose atribute and self. But don't have an option to select a specific group.

I attached a screenshot with what I used...


  • *
  • Posts: 2279
Don't do a search. Click Actor and Click Properties


  • Posts: 78
Still I cant choose a specific group....
I want to make something like this : if self is not inside group boxes do { ... } else { ... }


  • Posts: 78
After all, I used If actor type is player for player specific movement... thanks for the help !