First off, that linked game is 3D - you could not build that in Stencyl. The motions are simplified so you might be able to get away with animating 2D using 3D models, but that would be a ton of animation frames to make it look even remotely good. It is possible, but I would not recommend it for a beginner.Assuming you want something more like the original Myst - with static pictures - that is doable in Stencyl. That was my first game idea:,36148.msg204514.html#msg204514. There is a lot involved with doing a game like that. I think it would take many hours of instruction to get you to the point of continuing off on your own. My best advice is to see if someone else will partner with you on the project.
You are right, the game I showed is 3D but I'm looking for a 2D game with similar mechanics. I didn't know there was so much involved with a game like that, but I totally believe you, because I do know that the things that seem the easiest, often have lots of work.Where should I start?