Looking for teacher


  • Posts: 12

I'm newbie in Stencyl but I know the basic. I can pay $10. I'm looking for someone who can teach me the base for a "Escape the room" type of game. I think it's the easiest game-type to make because it needs little rules, and most of the work is about the content of the game (the puzzles, etc: the gameplay). So I just need the structure and I'm fine. I don't think it will take lot of time.

This is pretty much the game I am aiming for: http://www.kongregate.com/games/Eric_V/strange-magic-escape


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  • Posts: 2279
First off, that linked game is 3D - you could not build that in Stencyl. The motions are simplified so you might be able to get away with animating 2D using 3D models, but that would be a ton of animation frames to make it look even remotely good. It is possible, but I would not recommend it for a beginner.

Assuming you want something more like the original Myst - with static pictures - that is doable in Stencyl. That was my first game idea: http://community.stencyl.com/index.php/topic,36148.msg204514.html#msg204514. There is a lot involved with doing a game like that. I think it would take many hours of instruction to get you to the point of continuing off on your own. My best advice is to see if someone else will partner with you on the project.


  • Posts: 12
First off, that linked game is 3D - you could not build that in Stencyl. The motions are simplified so you might be able to get away with animating 2D using 3D models, but that would be a ton of animation frames to make it look even remotely good. It is possible, but I would not recommend it for a beginner.

Assuming you want something more like the original Myst - with static pictures - that is doable in Stencyl. That was my first game idea: http://community.stencyl.com/index.php/topic,36148.msg204514.html#msg204514. There is a lot involved with doing a game like that. I think it would take many hours of instruction to get you to the point of continuing off on your own. My best advice is to see if someone else will partner with you on the project.

You are right, the game I showed is 3D but I'm looking for a 2D game with similar mechanics. I didn't know  there was so much involved with a game like that, but I totally believe you, because I do know that the things that seem the easiest, often have lots of work.

Where should I start?


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  • Posts: 602
Acuirano, Email me. I can help you. detourstudios07@gmail.com


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  • Posts: 2279
You are right, the game I showed is 3D but I'm looking for a 2D game with similar mechanics. I didn't know  there was so much involved with a game like that, but I totally believe you, because I do know that the things that seem the easiest, often have lots of work.

Where should I start?

I would start by learning good mechanics for scene changes. The next step would be setting up the calls for puzzle completion and/or inventory (i.e. the key to the lock). Lastly, you need a VERY good method for keeping track of progression since these games allow for you to revisit areas that you have already been to. If the progression tracking is off, puzzles will be resetting and the game will be unplayable.


  • Posts: 257
This seems like an interesting project.
I'm no expert, but I've actually been wanting to make these types of games.
I can help for free if you run in to any problems.

As Ceosol said, he's absolutely right. You'll need to learn how to use lists pretty well and keep track of every item and action.



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  • Posts: 2279
ditto, I love these games.

One thing I left out is that these games are HEAVY on the level design aspect. I will help out where I can, but don't ask me how to design it :D


  • Posts: 12
Thanks a lot to all. I'll do my best for learning and to reach my goal of making a game like this.


  • Posts: 733
Doing a myst-style or escape the room game would be an excellent way of learning some of the principles, as long as you're good at art or have someone who is good at art.


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  • Posts: 2279
Since this game genre seems to be popular right now, I decided to make a little video. Hopefully this helps: https://plus.google.com/u/0/114480947344962180816/posts/1H8TTsuyNCq?pid=6272343209921881026&oid=114480947344962180816