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Play it here!
(or at Kongregate:
(or at Game Jolt:

What is Blackheist?

-It's an arcade game about a robot that shoots lasers with his head.  8)
-Requires quick reaction skills.
-As it is now there's three types of enemies (four if I count a very inconvenient thing that falls from the sky ;) ) and two power ups.
-Twitter Support!

How is played?

Played with A/D or Left/Right Arrows to move and the Mouse to aim and fire.

When it's done?

There's stuff left to do, but it shouldn't take much longer.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 11:33:05 am by Manuel »
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  • Posts: 84
Looks good. Is it the "hold out as long as you can" sort of game?


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Yes, I seem to like those sort of games. (I spent a lot of time playing Canabalt)
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No, but they are the most dangerous hazard on most games: spikes!  :o

They block the player's path, so it's possible to be traped by them. It's possible to destroy them, but it requires many hits to do it.
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I contributed the music for this game. ^_^ Did three tracks.
Hi, all! I'm KungFuFurby, music composer. If you're looking for some music for your game, just PM me.
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Yes, kudos for KungFuKirby for the music, it's awesome. :)

About the game, it's finished. I considered finding a sponsor, but I don't have a credit/debit card, and I don't fell like entering on the business camp of indie games right now, but one day I will. Anyway, I don't mind very much about it really, and I might try to put the game live today on the Stencyl website, Kongregate and Game Jolt. And it's also an entry for the Stencyl contest.
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I think you should add highscores to the Kongregate version and the Stencyl version when it's implemented on the new site. That's what gives me the incentive to replay these types of games.

You can find the Kongregate blocks under Game > Kongregate. The highscore blocks for Stencyl's website are under Game > Scoring.


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I just uploaded a new version on Kongregate with that feature, I'll do the same for the Stencyl when the site supports the blocks. :)
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I got 361666. The came can be rather easy. Especially if you sit under the right platform. I would consider increasing the amount of enemies from the bottom as time goes on, maybe add an upgrade or two, or a health pack or two, or just increase the hit points the enemies have as time goes on.

Anyway, in its current state I think the game is great! It is very simple to play and understand, and really provides a great time killing experience.
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Thanks. :)
Although your suggestions are cool, the problem is the scores from Kongregate would differ a lot from each other if I added those new features. I just now updated the game for adding Space support, and I think I can call it done here, but there's so much awesome tips from players... It's a complete game, but I'm kinda  :-\.
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