Could not open game error


  • Posts: 15
Ok I posted my game xml and also game xml bak


  • Posts: 110
I've also been getting this a lot over the last month or so - never before then (pre version 9000).  And yes it is because the .xml files are corrupt, and by corrupt what I mean is they become empty, blank files.

I've only been working on 1 game in this period so perhaps it's an issue in the game rather than Stencyl- don't know.

thankfully I have had backups taking me back to previous versions.  So whatever happens with the xml file processes needs to be made more robust within Stencyl to prevent this.


  • Posts: 15
The problem is that I had 3 games each of the games became corrupt


  • Posts: 15
Is it possible to recover or fix this problem because I uploaded this game on Android and I found bugs which I wanted to fix. So is it possible to fix it somehow


  • Posts: 110
The only thing to suggest (and I'm not certain it will work) is to look at  C:\Users\*Username*\app data\stencyl\roaming\stencyl\stencylworks\games\*yourgame*

in there is an xml file called game.xml  open it with word pad - you will find it is blank.  This is the problem, it should be full of all sorts of stuff. Have a look and see if there is another file called game.xml.bak  open it wordpad.  hopefully it will not be blank - if it isn't then save this file as Game.xml and try and open your game


  • Posts: 15
This was the  only game.xml.Does this mean I have to start again


  • Posts: 110
was it a blank file? - if so then I think yes unfortunately.

I'm not an expert here so might be best trying to message captaincomic or one of the other experts to see what they suggest.



  • *
  • Posts: 6108
If you want you can send me the project and I try to restore the game.xml from an empty project. If that works, some information will be lost (well everything that was stored in the game.xml) but it might work to open the project and export your resources.