Jump to error in IDE (better debugging.)


  • Posts: 88
Anyone else think Stencyl should enable us to double click on an error in the event log and jump to the block or blocks that
caused the problem? Right now all I get is things like "haxelib.exe Source/scripts/Design_9_9_SceneSelector.hx:181 : A return is missing here", though a lot of times it's not so easy to eyeball as that.

What say you Stencylers? Jon, my man, I realize you are a busy guy. I don't know how hard this would be to implement, would take me a week or three, what with the terrible coder that I am. But if it wouldn't take you as long as me, and you find yourself with a spare moment, I'd owe you a beer if you could make this happen.


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  • Posts: 4716
We already open many errors to the appropriate place in Design Mode, but I guess we haven't covered this case yet. Is the error you reported an exact quote from what was in your log?
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I'm most often available between 10am and 10pm Japan time. (GMT+9)


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  • Posts: 4716
I did a basic check for "return statement" errors, and found that we don't catch them if the error is reported in line numbers instead of a line number and column numbers.

I've now allowed Stencyl to catch errors reported as line numbers alone (in b9131), but I'm still not sure about the specific error of yours that was uncaught. If you still have the code that produced that error, it would be helpful if you could send it on so I can check.
For Live Support: Join our discord server and ping me @justin.
I'm most often available between 10am and 10pm Japan time. (GMT+9)


  • *
  • Posts: 55
Anyone else think Stencyl should enable us to double click on an error in the event log and jump to the block or blocks that
caused the problem?

yes !
on any error ...