Our iOS Exporter (formerly called iStencyl)


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  • Posts: 17524
Read about iStencyl!
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

« Last Edit: March 13, 2012, 09:55:08 am by Jon »


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  • Posts: 649
this is going to be nice!


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  • Posts: 173
counting the days here!

and I'm really curious about the part 3 "how much and when" :)


  • Posts: 31
You should probably also say that the minimum iOS is 4.0-People with 1st Generation iPods/iPhones won't be able to play the games. What a bummer, I have a 1G one. I guess it's reasonable that it's for 4.0, if it was for all generations (3.1.3 up) it'd probably lose a lot of content.


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  • Posts: 1292
Awesome, can't wait for the next blog posts!


  • Posts: 10
Was wonder, whats the minimum Mac OS I can use to work with this?


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  • Posts: 718
Impressive. I'm glad to see that achievements and universal binaries are supported. This could be a strong reason to port my existing iOS games over to iStencyl... but I'll have to check out performance and compatibility.

This could be a game changer... heh... literally.  8)
Michael Garofalohttp://photics.com – Author of The Interactive Stencyl Textbook 8)


  • Posts: 1046
Was wonder, whats the minimum Mac OS I can use to work with this?
OS X Snow Leopard.


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  • Posts: 17524
The requirements on a Mac are the same as what Apple requires to develop for iOS.

- Snow Leopard or Lion
- iOS SDK 4 or 5

Device-wise, it's 4.0 and up. We've tested games on all models of iPod Touch (2g, 3g, 4g), iPad 1 & 2, iPhone (3G, 3GS, 4, 4S).


  • Posts: 493
I have a question: Is it going to have a crash course. (I was scratching my head mostly with the private beta.)

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  • Posts: 17524
We have a crash course in video form and a lot of iStencyl-specific documentation ready. On top of that, we've got video forms of the key iStencyl articles.


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  • Posts: 1285
Now I think, to buy or not iPad for making games for this platform. Because it's not cheap, and I don't know how games will look on full screen on this tablet. So, can you tell me, stencyl games use antielastiang and apparat acceleration when on full screen? And for example, if my game 800x600 px, how it will enlarge to 1024x768 on iPad?


  • Posts: 1046

If you mean anti-aliasing, no because it isn't required for 2D sprites. Because of texture filtering sprites will appear anti aliased when rotated.

Currently, you need to develop your game at 1024x768 for the iPad and 480x320 for the iPhone. There is no automatic scaling as of now.


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  • Posts: 1285
If my game start lagging on 800x600 probably it will very slow on 1024x768. May be possible to enlarge game by means of game settings? For example if I make game on half of iPad size, and set up scale x2 in the game settings of stencylworks. Will it work properly on the full screen on iPad?