SteamWrap (for Steam Games)


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  • Posts: 9473
Denver2003's game Gravity Den has Linux support so I guess it works for Linux but it's not something I've tested.


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  • Posts: 9473
A new block has been added to get the game's language that users can set from Steam.  This is different than the Stencyl block that gets the system language which might not be the same as the game's configured language.  I've only tested English so far but based on Steam's documentation I would expect one of these results:
brazilian, bulgarian, czech, danish, dutch, english, finnish, french, german, greek, hungarian, italian, japanese, koreana, norwegian, polish, portuguese, romanian, russian, schinese, spanish, swedish, tchinese, thai, turkish, arabic, ukrainian
Update: I implemented Russian and Simplified Chinese into one of my games and can confirm that the text returned by the new block matches the options above.

Since this change required a rebuild and I didn't rebuild on Linux, this block will not function on Linux.  It might also give an error so Linux users just stick to the previous version (V2).

May 18: small fix to return "english" when Steam isn't running to avoid errors.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2017, 08:04:00 am by rob1221 »


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  • Posts: 1667
oh I just noticed this!

this will surely come in handy for me


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  • Posts: 575
I'm a little lost, I've been at this for over  a month now and I just can't get my head around it.  Unlike Stencyl Works itself there's nothing intuitive that I can latch onto.  I'm only now on Step 3 and that's a tentative "at", as I can't even get the game to run with this Extension installed.   Is there any easier way to upload my game to Steam?


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  • Posts: 9473
What does your include.nmml file look like, and what error message do you get?


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  • Posts: 575
The   include.nmml looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

   <ndll name="steamwrap" />
   <classpath name="steamwrap" />

   <!-- NOTE: Fill in these two values before using the extension -->
   <!-- <setenv name="STEAM_APP_ID" value="INSERT_YOUR_APP_ID_FROM_STEAMWORKS" /> -->
   <setenv name="STEAM_APP_ID" value="652590" />
    <!-- <set name="APP_FILE" value="INSERT_YOUR_IOS_PROJECT_NAME" /> --> <!-- Stencyl uses the iOS project name for the .app folder for some unknown reason.-->
   <set name="APP_FILE" value="Broken" />

   <section if="windows">
      <template path="native/lib/steam_api.dll" rename="steam_api.dll" />
      <template path="templates/steam_appid.txt" rename="steam_appid.txt" />

   <section if="linux">
      <!-- Copies into both 32 and 64 bit folders because I haven't found a way to differentiate between them using conditionals in this file -->
      <template path="native/lib/linux64/" rename="../../../linux64/cpp/bin/" />
      <template path="native/lib/linux32/" rename="../../../linux/cpp/bin/" />
      <template path="templates/steam_appid.txt" rename="steam_appid.txt" />

   <section if="mac">
      <template path="native/lib/osx32/libsteam_api.dylib" rename="bin/${APP_FILE}.app/Contents/MacOS/libsteam_api.dylib" />
      <template path="templates/steam_appid.txt" rename="bin/${APP_FILE}.app/Contents/MacOS/steam_appid.txt" />


The game's name is: Broken
The Steam ID is: 652590

I also added this to the Stating Screen:


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  • Posts: 9473
What error do you get when trying to run the game?


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  • Posts: 575
Oh sorry, here it is:


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  • Posts: 9473
And that's running on desktop?


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  • Posts: 575
Yes Windows, though I'm testing in Cppia.


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  • Posts: 9473
I've never used Cppia.  Does the game work in normal Windows testing?


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  • Posts: 575
When I tried that it  I got a nonfunctional black screen, though no error message.


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  • Posts: 9473
Could you post your log file, including both the Cppia test and normal Windows test?


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  • Posts: 575
Sure, I think this is all of today's logs.


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  • Posts: 9473
2017-07-17 17:25:22,453 INFO  [Thread-20] stencyl.sw.util.StreamGobbler: [haxelib.exe] Behavior.hx:104: Error in when created for behavior: SceneEvents_57
2017-07-17 17:25:22,453 INFO  [Thread-20] stencyl.sw.util.StreamGobbler: [haxelib.exe] Behavior.hx:105: Null Function Pointer
I guess that refers to one of the Steam blocks but don't know why.  If you skip using the boolean block does it still crash?