Danish character Å = ~x00e5 ?


  • Posts: 70
I've been fighting with this for two days now, the strange thing is that it happens only when I TEST GAME not when i TEST SCENE(works)

what's with this ~x00e5 code ? 

see attached

note:   when I try a NEW GAME everything works as it should


  • *
  • Posts: 1632
~x00e5  is unicode .

Didn't notice it changed from "test game "  and "test scene" . But I think I know why  ( for one it uses unicode, and the other it uses ansi.
edit : I have a way but it's long so I'll post it to you tomorrow. Don't hesitate to remind if I forget.
try to put a code block inside the draw text block with

String.fromCharCode(haxe.Utf8.charCodeAt("your word",3))


« Last Edit: May 19, 2016, 08:07:08 am by yoplalala »


  • Posts: 70
Hi yoplalala

thanx for you answer, when I use

returns= å           <----     :)
but I need to use the attribute called "theWord"

returns= ~            <----     :(

~x00e5  is unicode .

Didn't notice it changed from "test game "  and "test scene" . But I think I know why  ( for one it uses unicode, and the other it uses ansi.
edit : I have a way but it's long so I'll post it to you tomorrow. Don't hesitate to remind if I forget.
try to put a code block inside the draw text block with

String.fromCharCode(haxe.Utf8.charCodeAt("your word",3))



  • *
  • Posts: 1632
hum there's another way. I'll post tomorrow. have to go


  • Posts: 70
hum there's another way. I'll post tomorrow. have to go

thank you


  • *
  • Posts: 1632
do a global static block that returns a list and accepts a string  called UTF8Text

inside put a code block

Code: [Select]
var rawCounter:Int = 0;
var list:Array<Dynamic> = new Array();
while((rawCounter < ("" + __UTF8Text).length))
if((__UTF8Text.charCodeAt(rawCounter) == 126) && (__UTF8Text.charAt(rawCounter + 1) == 'x'))
list.push(__UTF8Text.substring(rawCounter, rawCounter+6));
rawCounter += 6;
rawCounter += 1;
return list;

now you can split your word and choose the character   with get item nbr  __ from __   :)