I just tore out the code and rewrote it to route around the problem. I tried 'trigger event text in all behaviors for actor'
but that didn't work. This wasn't supposed to be a bug post, but heres the details. I have a 'UIElement' behavior, that has a bunch of attributes, including 'isActive?' a boolean. isActive is set by other behaviors and actors for various reasons. UIElement has two boolean events, 'active' and 'notactive' based on the value of isActive. In each UIElement is supposed to trigger a custom event on its parent actor, an event name which is passed in via attribute filled out in the behavior configuration screen. This way I can separate interaction from logic. So I have a UIElement that handles when something is clicked..and I can just add that as a behavior to dozens of actors if I want for example. And that in turn calls custom events in the actors themselves. I can do this for other standard interactions, double click, drag, etc.
Anyway I run this, and nothing happens when I click on the actor on screen.