I have this idea for a asteroids game where the asteroids merge if they touch and get bigger. I received inspiration forom Echoes believe it or not which can be found at http:/www.binaryzoo.com
Basically you play as this strange looking ship that you move with the arrow keys and faces the mouse. I have several ideas for this game which I will post here.
Different weapons.
- Normal Blaster
- Homing Missile
- Mines
- Doom Laser
Different power ups.
- Weapon Upgrade
- Weapon Change
- Protective Shield
- Health Restore
- Mega Blast (shoots rays in all directions)
Different types of asteroids.
- Circular movement
- Elliptical movement
- Screen Warping
- Bounce off edge of screen.
Different sizes of asteroids.
- Small
- Medium
- Large
- Extra Large