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  • Posts: 2416
Its not out yet, but I'm having a slow day so thought id start making the thread. Its going to launch on the 21st of July on iOS and Android.

Its like a basketball version of Wrassling, taking inspiration from Bouncy Basket ball which took inspiration from Soccer Physics.

I think its quite good fun.



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  • Posts: 143
Can confirm, it is quite good fun!


  • Posts: 20
The trailer looks great. Definitely a good concept!


  • Posts: 325
Great game!
Brilliant gameplay concept!


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  • Posts: 2416
So Dunkers has launched and things are looking really good so far, "New games we love" features in most of the big countries, including the US, China and the UK.

Its climbing well in the charts, already #1 in a couple of places in Sports/ipad. #3 in sports/Iphone in the US right now.

Its the first time using Robins awesome Heyzap extension so I will report back soon how that is working out for us.

Thanks as always to Folmer for his awesome art direction and George for the Android side of things.


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  • Posts: 508
Nice dude, as always! :)

My Website: www.havana24.net


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  • Posts: 2279
This isn't the type of game that I enjoy playing (similar to wrassling), but it is a neat concept. I expect it will do very well :)


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  • Posts: 2416
Well got some crazy numbers to report. Thursdays downloads were 71,000 and Fridays were 210,000!
210,000 blows my mind, can't believe it got that many in one day!

revenue has been good also, $900 the first day and over $3000 yesterday.
Rankings are great as well, #1s all over the place.

Getting quite a lot of complaints about the controls, they are pretty annoying really, I have tried to tweak them a bit and have just submitted and update.

Big thanks has to go to Robin and his awesome collection of extensions, the Heyzap mediation is working great, Applovin and Vungle both earning well as is Admob, just added Unity adverts into the mix in the new update.

Im also using his Simple share and Reply Kit extensions which are doing great.


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  • Posts: 508
Nice numbers! Deserved! :)

I got some questions...
No complaint about lags in the input because of the admob? Heyzap show you average ecpm or you get money on all those ad networks and you need to login to get data, money etc?
Again about heyzap: you just need to enable it and enable all the extensions in stencyl (admob, applovin etc)?
I don't get what it does sincerly...
My Website: www.havana24.net


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  • Posts: 2416
I haven't had any complaints about admob no, haven't come across any in my own testing either, I'm only using this for iOS currently. The Heyzap dashboard shows you everything, the current total and average ecpm, or you can look at what each network individually is doing etc.

Yes you enable heyzap and all the other extensions for the ad networks you are using, then in stencyl you only use the Heyzap blocks. So when you use show interstitial, it will show an interstitial from any of the networks you are using.

The benefit of hey zap mediation is that it is supposed to show adverts from the network that currently has the highest eCPM, so it will show Applovin adverts then if Admobs eCPM becomes higher it will switch to admob adverts etc.


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  • Posts: 2416
Another Ridiculous day of downloads yesterday, 228,000 downloads. Ranking well still, #1 in sports in the US, UK and China. Revenue is strong, Over $4000 yesterday.


  • Posts: 690
Cool.  And the great youtubers still have not played.

A question: After that the game reaches top 1 can switch from free to $1?  8)


  • *
  • Posts: 2416
Cool.  And the great youtubers still have not played.

A question: After that the game reaches top 1 can switch from free to $1?  8)

Im not sure how it works to change a free app to paid actually. However that would be a terrible decision to make, the game would be earning 10% of what it is currently earning within a couple of days. The issue with paid apps is not visibility, its mobile gamers reluctance to pay for games.


  • Posts: 488
Amazing numbers, congratulations!


  • Posts: 690
Im not sure how it works to change a free app to paid actually. However that would be a terrible decision to make, the game would be earning 10% of what it is currently earning within a couple of days. The issue with paid apps is not visibility, its mobile gamers reluctance to pay for games.

Got it.

An idea. Create a version with double of features by 1$. And put a roulette in free version. Random 1000/1 raffling a paid version with all extras. And random 100/1 unblocking some extra features. When the player does not win, appears the announcement offering the paid version with all extras and promotions and discount prices.

I think this would greatly increase the conversion rate for paid apps. The job would be substantially the same. And larger the probability or opportunity to make more money. And both win or may win.

The key is have a irresistible offer: the second version should really be better.