Homer and Bart use Ancient Technology
04:20 (cest)
Created : Extension LD36, simple physics scene
Theme interpretation:
http://www.dictionary.com/browse/ancient : old-fashioned or antique.
http://www.dictionary.com/browse/antique : noting or pertaining to automobiles approximately 25 years old or more.
OK : lot of things are ancient! Including myself.
05:33 (cest) SplitScreen
ScreenShot07:00 (cest) Right/Left Movement [arrows and wasd]
After half an hour of trying to get slide animation to work I ditched it for now so I don't get stuck early on.
Step 108:45 (cest ) Up/Down + View Port [arrows and wasd]
Step 211:40 (cest)
Boundary-Check Up/Down : took me way too long !! Probably I should have used the actor position rather than calculate using viewport
13:30 (cest)
It starts to become an actual game-mechanic.
Step 416:00 (cest)
About 12 hours objects and interactions are being made
Step 520:40
Start Screen + TITLE
The follow-eye action needs to be done with face behavior + iris not center
Step 6 SLEEP
Two hours ago started again. Flipping characters, background, Leveling
Step 7 10:15
Changed objects to blocks/tiles. Wasted some hours to get sliding to work : again ditched it
Started to work on background object-layer
Step 817:00
After working on some graphic assets I got confused on the numbers I gave them so a Level Editor was needed.
Step 9 : Editor Save doesn't work yet. Also Next and Previous Page doesn't work.
Cycling through animations = cycling through objects/backgrounds => use arrow keys
So tired. Made saving mechanism to server. The editor needs correct page-movement so that it can be extended to the right.
Doing some graphics before turning in early and catch some sleep before tomorrow where it all has to come together.
Day 3
Worked on the editor so that it can make scenes. Save and Load (really only works on private server using MySQL)
Step 11 : Editor : Pages + Save/Load 11:00
Finally I have one level complete : Yippee.. Not pleased on the non-uniformity of it all, but hey I am moving forward!
Step:12 13:30
Only some blocks can be pushed by some player.
Step:13 15:30
Some Levels
Step:14Need a bit of longer break now
Started after dinner.
Done .. so tired .. couldn't finish my own level .. made too many mistakes by trying to do it quick. My Girl Friend helped!
Done Will write a post-mortem with the lessons learned later this week.