Here's the next batch of shaders:
Tilt Shift: Blurs the top and bottom of the screen to give the appearance of depth of field.
Glitter: Makes light colors glow with an X-like pattern.
Volume Lighting: Casts a glow from center of screen on dark pixels.
Edge Fringe: Creates a chromatic aberration on the left and right edges of the screen. The severity changes as the pixels get farther away from the center of the screen.
New Bloom: An alternative bloom to the one provided with Stencyl. Maybe a little easier to use.
Bad TV: Creates a faulty CRT TV effect.
Also included is a simple chromatic aberration shader.
The shaders are attached. Press Space to toggle the shader on or off. Press Enter to change the shader. I did not make the shader variables adjustable in real time with these like in the last batch, but you can edit the variables (if available) in the behavior tab of each scene.