Encoutered error while building your game.


  • Posts: 1
Hi, I really need stencyl for my class, but i've got a problem that destroys all my joy...

When trying to test  my game (in flash) I always get this error: encountered errors while building your game.
I've done hours of research, but nothing helped...

I really hope someone can help me. It's really important.
I attach my log to this post (here's an alternative link: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AhY7sVfDSsyFkwqyRv8K6OpCkwf_)

Thank you! :)


  • *
  • Posts: 4716
The log you uploaded gets cut off at the point where you changed your workspace so it doesn't contain any information related to the failed compilation.
For Live Support: Join our discord server and ping me @justin.
I'm most often available between 10am and 10pm Japan time. (GMT+9)


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  • Posts: 4716
This issue was solved on discord.

Here's what the error was in the full log file.

Code: [Select]
Running command: [/Applications/Stencyl-full/plaf/haxe/haxelib, run, openfl, -verbose, build, -debug, project.xml, flash]
[haxelib] sh: neko: command not found
Process 'haxelib' exited with code: 127

In the end, the issue was that neko had been installed on the computer, but Stencyl didn't have permission to access the /usr/local/bin folder. The solution was to run this command in the terminal (with an admin account).

Code: [Select]
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin
For Live Support: Join our discord server and ping me @justin.
I'm most often available between 10am and 10pm Japan time. (GMT+9)


  • Posts: 1
I'm not sure where to post my logs, but I got a request for them. trying to build a game for a grame writing class.