Best way to backup your projects?


  • Posts: 771
I tend to backup games nightly. But I was wondering if the way I'm doing it was right, as in, copy the game's main game file folder from Stencyl, and just back it up. (stencylworks > Games > Gamename).

I also export the game into the same backup source, too. In case the folder becomes messed up somehow.

I was also wondering what would be the best way to store backups. USB drives, SD cards, other hard drives, online storage (Google drive. Whatever the "Cloud" thing is that everyone calls it). As I don't want to lose anything.


  • Posts: 2262
I use a NAS drive with two HDDs and set it up to mirror the drives, so even if one drive fails I've still got a copy of everything. As it's attached to the network I can access it from any device.


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  • Posts: 2181
The most best and secure way to store a backup is using a cloud service such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive. USB sticks and SD cards  have multiple problems.

1) They are easy to lose.
2) Its a physical object so it could be stolen ( and clouds have high security).
3) They vulnerable to viruses.
4) They are not compatible to all Computers.


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  • Posts: 731
i've had my Stencyl workspace folder in dropbox for 2 years now with no issues at all, although i always check drop box is synced before opening stencyl just in case.  This has made working on the same games on two different computers much easier. At the end of the day i export the game and stick it on a usb as well.


  • Posts: 278
I go to the Stencylworks/Games/Game Name folder, I right click on the folder for the current version of my game and choose "Send to ... compressed (Zipped) folder". When that's done, I right-click on the newly created zipped folder and select "send to ... Dropbox". I then also copy the zipped folder to an external SSD. I do this just about every night.


  • Posts: 1018
OMG!! Never realized the importance of backing up until I read how you people are doing it. Should follow cloud service from now since that appears to be the best way to back up.
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  • Posts: 4716
I've had my Stencyl workspace in my dropbox folder for years. The only thing that's important to have synced is the "games" folder, almost everything else will needlessly take up space. While this has been convenient when I make a change I later want to undo or delete a game and want it back, dropbox has thankfully never had to be a lifeline due to the game becoming corrupted. It's nice to know that it's there for that though, just in case.
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  • Posts: 1115
In addition to backups I also find it useful to use the "Save game  as" to save numbered versions regularly, and especially before making major changes.  This makes it easy to roll back, and is also a safety net if a version gets corruptrd on disk. You have to delete the oldest versions to keep disk space usage reasonable.


  • Posts: 278
In addition to backups I also find it useful to use the "Save game  as" to save numbered versions regularly, and especially before making major changes.  This makes it easy to roll back, and is also a safety net if a version gets corruptrd on disk. You have to delete the oldest versions to keep disk space usage reasonable.

I do this a lot, too. Fortunately, Stencyl has been very stable (!) for a long while now and I don't find it as necessary, but it doesn't hurt because you never know. Also, as you said - it's a great bit of security for when you're going to make a big change and want to easily roll back if the change doesn't go so well.


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  • Posts: 2738
It's good to have multiple methods. I tend to rotate through them. Cloud storage isn't perfect, and no method is completely immune to human error. I haven't had stability issues with Stencyl in a long time--not since the early days of 3.x. But I have deleted the wrong file/folder/etc. from time to time, and I've always been glad I had a backup!


  • Posts: 771
Alright. Thanks for the help, as I really appreciated it.

I'll be using Drive to backup things online, along with the personal physical media in case I don't have a connection at times.